AKB0048 – 08 & Aquarion Evol – 25

AKB0048‘s episode this week caught me off-guard with how good it was. I thought that the building up could continue for a while longer, but this episode very harshly returned to the theme of how competitive the idol business is, especially when the girls involved are still so young and pushed to practice almost non-stop.

What I especially liked is how this episode was about the relationships between the ones who made it and the ones who are still struggling to get a place as a successor. The main cast isn’t bothered by this yet because they are relatively new, but seeing the older generations being broken up like that due to the system of AKB really makes me wonder what the creators have in store for them later on in the series. The battle at the end of the episode worked really well because of that and I hope that that was a great hint for things to come.
Rating: *+ (Great)

Aquarion meanwhile had this one scene in which Amata had some flashbacks of Mikono. And Okada, Kawamori… who of you got the idea to make one of the first scenes for him to remember that one time in which he landed with his face in her crotch? The first half was incredibly sexually charged by the way, thanks to Andy and Mix having their own over the top finale.

The second half of the episode was standard penultimate episode build-up, although Mikage was nice enough to fill me in about what all happened in the first season of Aquarion. Things were pretty crazy, and seriously: I did not expect Fudo to be the reincarnation of Apollo, though that does make perfect sense on how he managed to stay alive for so long. The creators in any case made things very epic by moving an entire freaking planet for Mikage’s plans. So yes, he’s going to kill off everyone. At least this is a series where that completely fits, with the rebirth themes and all.
Rating: *+ (Great)

8 thoughts on “AKB0048 – 08 & Aquarion Evol – 25

  1. I’m not against shonen ai or people watching it, but is not something I’m willing to watch myself… Alas, the moment they threw the girls turn into dudes theme in the fray was the moment I decided to limit myself to read summaries about Aquarion…

    Then it came the Pollon thing to make things worst… The only way I’m watching Aquarion Evol again is if they miraculously rewritte the story and throw a Deus Ex Machina that fixes all those things in the last two episodes… Otherwise I’d rather convince myself that “There is no Aquarion Sequel”

    1. But it’s not shonen-ai. Mix is still a girl – they changed her physical sex, not her gender.

      Well, probably genderqueer is more correct. Still not ‘male’ though.

      And it highlighted an interesting issue I can’t think of any other work exploring: did Andy fall in love with Mix, or with her boobs?

  2. According to Kawamori, Apollo was always planned to be the dog. Which kinda explains the finale of Genesis and why the Tree of Life died instead of being pollinated by the Solar Wings.

    Zen/Gen being Apollonius implies the third pilot was likely Apollo/Pollon/Amata.

    I think given the nature of what Mikage has done in 25 by bringing Altair and Vega together, we are probably going to get some kind of reboot end. Amata&Kagura and Altair&Vega probably joined back together and time rebooted so everyone hasn’t meet and all the dead characters probably alive again on one Earth.

    1. I’m sure that they are going to use Mikonos ‘Connect’ elemental power in some way in the end to fix up the mess and yeah I’m sure that Amata and Kagura will rejoin hence fixing the wierd pseudo triangle. I’d still like Zessica to get a happy ending in some way as her crushing on Amata was getting pretty lame.

      Actually .. a really good troll ending would be for Amata and Kagura to rejoin and then the merged personality will have the hots for Zessica not Mikono! Mikono can go make out with her siscon brother!

  3. Andy’s voice actor (Toriumi Kousuke) actually has a lot of BL anime/game works (Togainu no Chi for example) under his belt. So I was laughing when I watched the scene.

    1. I can’t think of any male voice actor that hasn’t starred in at least one yaoi Drama CD though (the 18+ kind).

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