Uchuu Kyoudai – 12

Now this was some of the most uncomfortable romance I’ve seen in a long while. That’s a good thing though, because while it was hard to watch, it wasn’t annoying or contrived. There was no pointless love triangle or people being in denial, this is just about two people who find things they have in common with each other… and Mutta being absolutely terrible at flirting.

About the clock: I turned out to be completely wrong. I already knew that from the comments you all posted last week, but even then I didn’t imagine that Mutta would make this even better by creating some made-up story about the car’s velocity and the amount of miles it traveled. It’s a very important point in this arc though, because this is what creates a great first impression of him, a leverage which can be used later in the arc.

On top of that, I loved how every team made up its own rules and habits already. They came up with three totally different methods of determining the two who go through tat the end, using rankings, votes or just not thinking about it at all. With this, I now understand why we suddenly got to follow fifteen whopping characters with this: it’s to show the difference between how people might approach the problems they’re put into. And Space Brothers, you are awesome for attempting that. I mean, with this this series has by far the best characters of any currently airing series.
Rating: **+ (Excellent+)

2 thoughts on “Uchuu Kyoudai – 12

  1. Waiting around to achieve a consensus would be seen as a more traditional Japanese approach, which is probably why they had the old guy propose it.

  2. I’m really enjoying this! Like psgels I loved how all three teams came up with different ways of deciding who to nominate.

    Kiddie Serika was very cute! I loved that little whistle during her pout when telling her dad she’d waited long enough. Japanese voice actors are seriously a cut above the rest (well speaking of english and chinese VAs)

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