Eureka Seven Ao – 07

Again, my laptop sucks and I have plans for this evening so I don’t have much time. Here is the gist of my thoughts of this episode:
– Brilliant! Love the complete tone shift!
– Shows as Rinne no Lagrange and the other mechas that appeared this year may have been very good, but they lacked something to be truly outstanding. With this episode Eureka Seven showed that it does have that potential to make it an outstanding mecha.
– Half real dream sequence rocked!
– Excellent villain is excellent.
– Love how Naru plays with her role: she was useless aside for emotional support, but left on her own will. Not sure if that was 100% but regardless you could see a huge load lifting from her shoulder. She would have done this.
– More of this please!
Rating: *** (Awesome)

24 thoughts on “Eureka Seven Ao – 07

  1. The scenes with the guards were pretty stupid, though.

    You would think that after Truth killed everyone they would just shoot to kill, but nooo, they have to run up to him and just keep on yelling at him to stop.

    1. I think there wasn’t good communication going on and they didn’t know what they were dealing with. Plus, Truth was moving unbelievably fast. Also, I don’t think it would have made much difference if they had fired first. If anything, it looks like Truth starts killing once the other side starts to attack.

  2. So a gate was opened and Naru saw the Truth of the world, gained superhuman abilities and now a god-like entity wants to use her for something. Intentional resemblance to FMA or not, I like the whole truth business.

  3. I also got a bit of Evangelion vibes (and the episode title contains Angel in it)…

    And… I’m starting to suspect the OP may be trolling us. Showing Naru in the Nirvash. She may play a completely different role in the end. That would be kinda cool if it happened.

    1. Hm. Is it possible? Could Naru become a major antagonist? Did she lose some character popularity poll or something? I suppose it’s possible. And I am a bit disappointed that Naru chose to go with him willingly. Truth seems to have been mixed up with a lot of the darker side of society. We may see some dark changes come across Naru too. Maybe she’ll become something like Anemone. And Truth does seem like he could be a human incarnation of TheEnd. Maybe we’ll see a different OP and ED next week.

  4. surprised you didn’t notice some of the very crappy animation and deformed faces. You’re usually fast to pick that up.

    part of the episode really looked kind crap.

    Other parts has som surprisingly ghibli esque moments.

    1. Also noticed the Ghibli-like moments. Very interesting. This anime borrows from the best, doesn’t it?

      Lots of Fleur next week. She’s pretty cool, but comes off kinda shallow sometimes…

  5. Did anybody notice that the dream sequence Nirvash had 3 seats in it. What do this suppose to mean?

  6. My only problem with this show so far is that they are too short!! Arg! You blink and it’s half over. Or is it just me?


    1. I think things might be moving a bit fast. There’s a feeling of incoherence. Not sure what to make of the dream sequence. How much is real and how much isn’t. I think that’s Ao’s mental link to Naru at work. It’s creepy that Truth can tap into it somehow and learn about Naru. It’s a little disappointing that Naru would trust Truth so readily, even though she sees him drop a ceiling on Ao and her father. I thought she might be under some kind of hypnosis but her eyes looked clear. She might not be the nice girl I thought she was. It would be gross if they twist her into something like Katejina Loos.

    1. Yeah. Weird pretty boy single handedly trashing a base, completely owning the kid hero and his mecha AND stealing his girl. **** Y A W N ****. Let’s go watch Fate Zero and see who dies horribly this week.

      1. Lets rephrase that.
        Standard wannabe mysterious bishounen killing a bunch of people we don’t care about, trashing a organisation we don’t know jack shit about, doing the old “kick the crap out of the hero to show how badass I am” approach and some NTR. The dream/hallucination/premonition/whatever the hell it was didn’t do anything for me. That was just needlessly confusing.
        I take fate/zero over this. Frankly Eureka seven AO doesn’t even compete with it.

        1. I dunno. Hope for a happy ending counts for a lot. XD I seriously could use a break from all the heart-wrenching tragedy on FZ. Dammit, that show is making me take refuge in Achi-Kochi. (!!!! XD) But yeah, Ao does leave a little something to be desired, especially compared to previous Bones gems. There’s too much about this setting that reminds me of NGE. It lacks the usual refreshing originality you’d usually expect to find from a Bones production. I’m not sure why they’re still using titles from contemporary music labels. It doesn’t make as much sense without the Gekkostate’s old Woodstock vibe.

          It’s still not bad though. I thought the episode before the one before this one was the boring one.

  7. Woah. There actually were three seats at one point in Nirvash but for the rest of the dream there wasn’t? Whaat!?

  8. Who knows? If there will be three pilots in the Nirvash, who will the other two be? :B Eureka and Renton. But it was a dream…Naru might not even really have gone peacefully with Truth in reality like in the dream. So they might just be hints of what is to come.

  9. Maybe the “truth” is what the world is suppose to be like and that’s why Naru joined Truth. After Truth said the world was all wrong (when he was taking Naru), I kept thinking that he was somehow refering to the original Eureka Seven world.
    Wouldn’t it be crazy if the “truth” is that they are all in the wrong world/universe?

  10. So far, I don’t like Truth. I don’t hate him, but he’s too much of an arbitrary enigma. Nothing he says has any gravity, because it’s all cryptic villain-speak.

    The path he takes through Gen-Bleu seems pre-determined so we can check in on all of the characters, but he kind of just bulls his way through. The sudden and unexplained transition from Bleu HQ back to Ao’s home island is clunky at best.

    As for the dream, it has a nice creepy WTF quality to it, but if this is Ao’s dream, why are we seeing things that aren’t from his POV, like Naru wandering around and Gazelle talking to his father? Confusing.

    Truth’s stated goals are impenetrable riddles, his motivations seem to fluctuate on a whim, and even his character design – the smirky silver-haired lanky dude – strikes us as a bit rote. This is a pitfall for such powerful characters: realizing their potential. Right now it’s hard to care about someone so all-over-the-place.

    Also, we kind of doubt Naru would so crassly toss aside her lifelong friend just for the ability to fly granted by a total stranger. Then again, we thought it was pretty silly to leave her behind in the first place, considering applying Gen Bleu’s ample resources to her illness seemed like a no-brainer.

    We’re hoping the next episode will ease off a bit on all the mystification. Because right now we have a seemingly invincible villain who does stuff “just because”, including stealing Ao’s girl and blowing stuff up. We need more.

  11. Am i the only one who liked “Truth” when he/she/it/them was a shapeless mysterious entity whom we don’t even know a specific gender or age for .. i really hated the moment he/she/it took the form of the young man (who by the way acts and looks like he is the evil twin brother of Howl from Howl’s Moving Castle XD) .. seriously .. keeping him/her/it an indefinable entity constantly shifting looks, age and gender as needed would have IMO made him/her/it far more impactful on the long term … at least in terms of presence (at least his/her/its theme music is pretty creepy) … well i’ll just have to speak about “Truth” using “him” for now since that’s the form he settled for (probably for marketing reasons).

    Then we have that goth girl called Mirror .. i have the feeling she isn’t just some goth singer celebrity …the way Truth talked to her hinted at something more to her identity and her role in the story .. maybe she is another entity like Truth but isn’t awakened like him .. maybe they are both from another world … aghhh .. so many possibilities XD

    Oh .. as for the dream sequence .. i don’t think that’s exactly what happened for real .. that’s Truth “ironically” manipulating Ao’s mind/dreams/memories .. and being as manipulative as he is i think he would easily find a way to manipulate Naru or even if all fails hypnotize her or put her into a trance before flying off with her (which is something that probably happened off the screen while Ao’s dream was taking place in his head)

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