Eureka Seven Ao – 04

So… I had typed up this entire entry for this episode. I was taking screenshots… and then my laptop crashed. So apologies for this brief entry.

Basically, I’m warming up to Ao. One big similarity between this series and the first Eureka7 is that everyone treats the lead character for who he is: a kid. Renton was a brat, so people treated him as such, while Ao is more sympathetic and a victim instead, and I can see why the adults in this series want to look over him.

Naru meanwhile: what is her purpose beyond a romantic interest? I was surprised that she didn’t join along with the Pied Piper crew, but that will probably come later. In the meantime, this series has very solid build-up and a great and emotional soundtrack. Now let’s hope that net week my laptop doesn’t crash.
Rating: *+ (Great)

6 thoughts on “Eureka Seven Ao – 04

  1. I thought this episode was awesome, I liked how they showed another side to islanders independence drive (anyone else see the GekkoState logo in that demonstration?)and that there are people who like Ao.

    Also loving the fact that the old guy in charge of generation bleu (Ivacius??) is really committed to looking after the kids.
    And Ao forgetting he lost an arm and a complete noob was a nice touch.

  2. I’m enjoying the soundtrack and the politics so far. The characters have yet to win me over, but they are not bad either…

    I was also expecting Naru to join somehow. Or is the OP just a huge red herring and she will never join in Nirvash? I guess it will have something to do with her sickness and how flying around in trapar will be good for her or something.

  3. from what i remember the nirvash of the original series morphed into an independent living being at the end and on this new series it looks completely mechanical concept with the look slightly similar to the beginning episodes and there way no way any of this new political stuff and nations with real names either leaving me to think this is just an “okay at best” spinoff or a complete fail attempt at a sequel

  4. Hmm, from this episode isn’t it rather clear now that all of this could be happening in the past since at one point that one guy said that it has been ten years since they have been able to gather the trapar, wherever they are?

    I’m trying to watch Eureka 7 again so I could make some sence about all of this, but it probably won’t much help. 😛 Everything will probably get revealed in time…I still think it’s a little pity that E7AO didn’t get 50 episodes like E7. They might have been able to flesh out things better and introduce the characters better…

  5. Great ep. Again, a lot of things seem to be happening this episode.

    Very curious about the Generation Bleu program for kids. On the face of it, it seems like a foster program for kids orphaned during Scab Burst incidents but the way it was phrased “kids like Ao” may have inadvertently(?) implied that there may be other hybrids like Ao out there. (????) I wonder if Sakuya and Norb had kids…

    Ivica’s reaction to hearing Ao’s voice for the first time is very interesting. Pretty sure the Doc isn’t Renton so…nah, forget it. Not enough information so it’s hard to speculate.

    Very interested in the scene where Generation Bleu seem to harvest the core of the Scab Coral and take it into their IFO, which immediately results in the Scab Coral’s body start to disintegrate. So if the core is let out, it immediately crystalizes and eventually forms it’s giant mushroom form which soon attracts Secrets. Taking it into an LFO suppresses whatever attracts the Secrets and maybe is used as cores for new LFOs?

    So, new info about Eureka. She apparently went in original Nirvash to a Scab Burst event and disappeared. What was left of Nirvash was rebuilt into the Mark I? Did she go back to the future? Or take on some other form? Her new look, with the orb on her forehead reminds me of Sakuya but her blank look makes me wonder if she’s a puppet under someone’s control. Uwah. >.>; Don’t tell me she got recovered by one of the factions and reverted to her pre-Renton form. Ao will have to fight Eureka?! Maybe even kill her?!!! NOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo……T.T

    So, there’s a new guy with the flashy glasses. The antagonist finally appears?

    About Naru, my read is her psychic link to Ao will eventually become an important plot point somehow. I also think she’s meant to represent Ao’s place to go back to, which Ao is fighting for. She has a family to go back to and her ability isn’t recognized/necessary yet so there’s no need yet for her to get on the Triton….yet. (I’m going to be seriously pissed off if Bones has to wipe out Naru’s family to get her on the Triton, though. >.>;; I think it’s important for Naru’s family to be Ao’s family too. Unless Ao chooses to go back to the future to be with Eureka and Renton..?) I suspect Ao might get swallowed up into some kind of Scab Burst phenomenon and Naru will be his only lifeline back. Also, she could get caught by the bad guys and used as a bargaining chip or bait for Ao and Nirvash.

    Waiting for Gazelle and company’s next cool moment. I wonder if they’ll wind up producing Eureka Seven Ao’s version of ray=out?

    Curious how Trapar works in this time period. I’m pretty sure in E7, vehicles rode on Trapar in the air but here it’s being harvested. Is it used like fuel now?

  6. Naru is set-up as a future plot device with these episodes, as a survivor of the incident years ago, carrier of strange sickness possibly related to scub coral, and Ao’s connection to the island.

    I personally like the characterization of Naru, frail physical body but great inner strength is often a cliche, but you cant help but root for characters like that. Her not leaving with Ao is an act of letting Ao who’s been alienated all his life to get a chance to find others that care about him

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