Mirai Nikki – 24

Okay… so now this show just pulled stuff out of its ass to push its plot further. The result was weird and kindof interesting, don’t get me wrong, but where did Ninth’s resurrection suddenly come from, and why does she suddenly have flying, time travel and teleportation powers. Overall this episode was a bit too much convenient storytelling.

Still, I have to admit: this episode did something new to the resurrecting and time-travel tropes. I mean, for a minute I face-palmed when I found out that the creators were basically going to resurrect the cast again (so much for those death scenes, eh), but I actually really liked how this episode brought distinction in the people from different time-lines. It acknowledged that everyone Yukiteru knew is still dead, and it clearly labeled Yukiteru as an idiot for trying to save yet another Yuno. Time really got screwed over here, and that was a nice idea.

Oh, and this episode also explained why it was such a big deal that Yukiteru saw the corpses of Yuno’s family… only that it doesn’t… I mean, first of all they were terribly hidden. Yuno had plenty of time to clean things up, and she invited Yukiteru to her house, knowing that there was a really obvious room that anyone with a curiosity would want to check out. Second: wasn’t it Akise who found out Yuno’s identity? Didn’t he find out about that on his own?

Also, I keep finding it a bit morbid that the day that the creators chose for the world to end… happens to be my birthday. Are you trying to send me some sort of subtle message, Mirai Nikki?
Rating: *+ (Great)

12 thoughts on “Mirai Nikki – 24

  1. “where did Ninth’s resurrection suddenly come from, and why does she suddenly have flying, time travel and teleportation powers”

    Deus split his power with her. They explained that

  2. As stated by Bass, the Ninth thing was foreshadowed all the way back in Episode 20 and it was explained.

    Regarding this statement:

    “Oh, and this episode also explained why it was such a big deal that Yukiteru saw the corpses of Yuno’s family… only that it doesn’t… I mean, first of all they were terribly hidden.”

    Yuki never looked in that room in the first world (back when the corpses were only the parents). As stated back in Episode 3 (although it was ambiguous at the time), when he did that, he started a chain of events that caused the second world to diverge from the first world. Because of the events of the first world, Yuno didn’t count on him opening the door in the second world. And I’m pretty sure that Akise getting involved was a butterfly effect caused by Yuki opening that door.

  3. Can you guys tell me if the anime is actually following the manga? I am planning on buying the bd when they are all out in Japan, but i’m curious as to how much, if anything , has been changed.

    1. It follows the manga pretty closely, but they did do anime original things sometimes. I don’t think the Akise and Friends hot spring thing ever actually happened and was added in for extra fanservice. Also, Yuno’s death trap for Akise and Friends was changed from pouring concrete to gas. It makes more sense logically but Akise’s intelligence was sacrificed, sadly. I think the explanation of Murmur was a bit different as well.

      Those are the three I can remember off the top of my head.

  4. “The result was weird and kind of interesting, don’t get me wrong, but where did Ninth’s resurrection suddenly come from, and why does she suddenly have flying, time travel and teleportation powers.”

    Sometimes I feel like you don’t actually pay attention to some of the episodes you’re watching… Also, their God of Space and Time is called Deus ex Machina, so you should have been expecting something like this.

    Flawfinder’s comment above explained the deal with the corpse room, so I don’t have to say anything about that.

  5. Are you aware you just reveal your birthday to the whole world, psgels? :))

    The ending will make you facepalm even more. However, it’s undeniable that the story is one hell of a fun trip.

  6. Yup, Ninth being able to use Deus’ powers was foreshadowed properly. In case you didn’t remember, around episode 20 Deus started talking to himself that Murmur is planning something and he has not much time left, so he had to take action. Thus he called Ninth into a closed space where Murmur can’t interfere. In there, he stabbed Ninth with his arm and Ninth felt like something was done to her.

  7. Happy Birthday, psgels.

    And, yes, Mirai Nikki has finally jumped the shark. Oh well, I’m still enjoying the mess.

    1. Succinctly put. Mirai Nikki both transcends and subverts the dreaded enemies of all logical narratives: plot holes with self-aware deus ex machinas. Most critics fail to see this, that in its sheer madcap energy and wall-to-wall insanity the show absorbs every fatal flaw and blows them to smithereens.

      Then again… imagine if a superior studio like Shaft or Gainax adapted the source material? Would that blow my description to smithereens as well? 😉

  8. So it doesn’t fall victim to its flaws, it embraces them. Mirai Nikki didn’t jump the shark — Mirai Nikki IS the shark, in every sense of the term but the literal.

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