Otogi Juushi Akazukin – 21 – Lunar Eclipses… Sortof

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Very interesting. This episode actually had a light character, instead of the dark characters of the past few. While the past few episodes have been just fighting, fighting, getting stronger and fighting, this episode adds something more: hope. It’s indeed the case that Akazukin will discover that her powers are rather uncontrollable, but that’s just a side-story for this episode.

The main focus is Fernando. He makes use of a special natural phenomena. Those who’ve been paying attention might’ve noticed that Fandavale has more than one moon. This episode, two of these moons (a large one and a big one) formed one line, along with the planet itself. Thus an interesting eclipse follows, which apparently strengthens the power of water-based magic and wind-based magic. Fernando uses this power to come in contact with Souta, while Randagio uses this power to unleash probably his strongest goon yet.

The first half of the episode also was highly atmospherically. It seems that this turned into something like Christmas for the people of Fandavale, as everyone stops for a bit to watch the spectacle. The latter part of the episode also featured a rather emotional scene between Souta and Akazukin. Finally we get a bit of development from her side. 🙂

Also, we get our first clue about Souta’s mother. She indeed is in Fandavale, and Fernando met her. The question remains, was she kidnapped because she was special on her own, or is she special because she married Souta’s father? I still think that he was the guy from the mirror. The fairy-tale may tell that the story took place 1000 years ago, the girl did talk to someone at the end of the mirror. In Erde. With large buildings you see only in the modern age, and definitely not 1000 years ago.

Next episode will be a great one: we have a Rapunzo-cameo, and Hansel will return again.

0 thoughts on “Otogi Juushi Akazukin – 21 – Lunar Eclipses… Sortof

  1. Fun episode. Akazukin hasn’t quite got the hang of Princess Mode yet, bless her. Good to see Hansel and Gretel back. Next week looks like a particularly important episode for them. Maybe this is the point where Gretel joins Akazukin-tachi. One of the funniest moments for me was when Randagio saw Akazukin’s new uniform and blurts out loud that he thinks its cool, in front of Cendrillon ^^;;

  2. Now that I’ve looked at Akazukin and Fernando properly from the front. I have noticed that both of them had the 4 leaf clover at the front of their chest. Maybe Akazukin and Fernando are related somehow.

  3. Yeti: that’s a very interesting observation. We already know that Akazukin and Hameln grew up together, if there’s some clue that Hameln stayed with Fernando for his entire life, it might suggest some kind of connection between Akazukin and Fernando. The fact that both Shirayuki and Ibara are princesses, and that Akazukin is able to transform to princess mode also does suggest that she’s also some kind of princess. Who knows. 🙂

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