Otogi Juushi Akazukin – 19 – A Different Side of Akazukin

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Finally an Akazukin/Baru episode! And an excellent one as well. As expected, this episode is the entire opposite of the previous one when Souta ends up in the Lycan main capital. Not much of Turude, but Jedo-sama really played a big role.

But the best part of the episode was Baru, getting injured. The effects this has on Akazukin is great, as finally we get to see another side of her. I loved it how she stays playful, until Baru collapses. Only then she sees what her playfulness caused, and her mood changes completely. She rushes off to find the medicine, but by doing this, Souta runs off on his own again, unprotected.

Baru also played a huge role in this, as he’s related to the lycan in some kind of way. Remember that he is a wolf himself. Does this mean that he’s some kind of special lycan? If he is, does he have a human form as well? He had a small conversation with Jedo-sama this episode, but I couldn’t understand too much of it. *kicks lack Japanese* Didn’t Jedo call Baru Gin-Roh? I also wonder how Jedo-sama’s story will continue. He’s not exactly one of the bad guys, but you also can’t really call him a good guy. Baru currently hates him, but this episode showed that he isn’t really too keen on helping Cendrion.

I’m also wondering… what happened to Hansel and Gretel? What happened to them after Gretel took the unconscious Hansel away from the Forest of Okashi? We saw Gretel at the previous episode, in a rather comical way, though we never saw Hansel again after that. After that infamous episode, Turude suddenly appeared and the story took a whole different turn, focusing on different aspects of the story of Otogi Juushi Akazukin. I like this trick. It makes you look forward to seeing these characters appear again.

The next episode will be a strange one, and it’ll be focused on Akazukin yet again. Finally she gets some real development. She gets some power up, and Turude seems to be coming in action as well (never knew she was a girl). And Akazukin also is a princess. I wonder what kind of princess. Oh, and she looks really cute in her new outfit. ^_^

0 thoughts on “Otogi Juushi Akazukin – 19 – A Different Side of Akazukin

  1. Good Baru episode \o/. Clearly Baru means a lot to Akazukin from the way she reacted. Superficially the ep did remind my of Scrapped Princess, when Raquel has to get the cure for Pacifica’s poison from the BUG nest. Turude a she? I was under impression it was an, um, ‘it’. Anyway ‘she’ really gives me the creeps, the design is freaky. Next week – not only new uniform but a weapon’s upgrade for Red Riding Hood 😛

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