Jigoku Shoujo – 28 – An umbrella, a food stand and a trunk

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When the first season started, there wasn’t really a main character in this series. We just had Ai, her dolls and the main character of the case. Then, when Hajime and Tsugumi appeared, they sortof became main characters, as a lot of the series was followed through their eyes. Now that the second season has started, and Hajime and Tsugumi have disappeared, the focus suddenly shifts towards Ai’s dolls: Hone Onna, Ichimoku Ren and the other guy (what was his name again?). A nice focus, and with a bit of luck, we’ll be able to find out about their backgrounds a bit.

This episode deals with the relatives of someone who’s been kidnapped, raped, killed, thrown in a trunk and thrown at the bottom of the lake. A great touch of realism, as cases like these occasionally happen in real life as well. The focus entirely stands at the victim’s older sister, and I think the creators decided to dedicate the time they had on this girl, and not on the culprit. I wonder if the episode would be too fastly paced if his background was explained. Ah well, it’s the creators’ decision, and the results remain awesome.

Because we only follow the victim’s sister, we can really follow and try to understand how she feels after something like that happened to her, not knowing what really went on. Sumire(her sister)’s spirit tries to tell her this, and in the end gets the message through. I especially loved the ending. The bastard has been sent to hell, she knows that Sumire’s death, but she still continues to search for people who might’ve seen or heard something about her.

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