Night Head Genesis – 13 – Sonezaki’s Background

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Oh, my. That was an interestingly great episode. It’s another one of those in which nearly all things people do is talk, and episodes like these prove to be very enjoyable most of the time. This was no exception.

It seems that Sonezaki was behind the last episode after all. It seems that he’s acting on his own at the moment. For now, it seems that the reason for this is that he couldn’t bear to see Naoto and Naoya spending their efforts to the good, though I think there’s more behind this. I’m also wondering what Asano-kun’s role is in all this. Did he just come to observe things, or does his power work well with Sonezaki’s? In any case, he looked happy when Naoto unleashed his powers.

Also, the way Sonezaki’s background was shown really was creative. It really shows that Naoya’s power can become great at times. All the time, Sonezaki was manipulating Naoto and Naoya, he was entering their memories and confronting them with them. Because of this, he was the leader of the conversation. He strengthened this by bringing a number of random people along, who each proved the fact that being good has too many restrictions. For example, he manipulated a girl into hitting her boyfriend who’s been cheating on her for a long time. In any case, then when he really was in his element, Naoya read his mind as well, completely turning the table. A nice element of surprise. It seems that Sonezaki once was lockedin the research institute as well, before Naoto and Naoya arrived, it seems. That means that he’s quite old. You’d say he’s just in his thirties, but if this is true, he’s got to be at least forty. The question also remains how he managed to escape. Could it be that someone helped him escape, or he was let go?

Also, some more information is revealed on Naoto and Naoya’s power. They were the ones who made the woman from the previous episode commit suicide. Asano just made it look like the little boy was behind it. Naoto also unleashes a lot of his power at the end of the episode, this suggests that if this will get even bigger, things may get problematic. Also, you’d wonder whether the fire at the research institute, mentioned at the end of the episode also was Naoto and Naoya’s doing. After all, the circumstances were perfectly right: Naoto exploded and afterwards, Naoya got the vision of the burning research institute.

Then, at one point, the episode also takes a strange turn when Sonezaki actually starts singing a strange rap-song. I’m not sure what the exact meaning of this is, but it seems that it’s his style of acting that way. In any case, that song really reflected his ideals and ideas about this world. It was quite creepy, though a nice touch at the same time.

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