Red Garden – 02 – I like the character designs. ^^

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I am LOVING the direction this anime is going. In almost every other anime I’ve seen, whenever characters are put in front of unexpected danger, they’re surprisingly calm. They run away a bit, think quietly about the situation, drink a cup of tea, experiment a bit with their new-found powers and the enemy’s gone. Though in Red Garden, this is not the case. The girls really have to struggle for their lives, they’re scared, they shake. If this keeps up, Red Garden is going to be awesome. ^^

I love the diverse cast of characters. There’s only one girl who really has had experience in fights. The others clearly have never fought at all. Target tries to run away, though her courage fails her at times, especially when she’s the monster’s target, Kate tries to help others and ends up getting bitten and Rose is just plain hopeless with situations like these.

Another thing I really like was the singing scene. For what seems to be one of the first times ever, plain high school girls don’t suddenly have the same singing voice of a J-Pop idol. And their voices actually sound full of despair. It’s a great job done by the voice-actors. Still, a lot of people seem to be turned off by it. Is it that important to hear J-Pop idols sing all of the songs? Same with the graphics. The reason most people don’t check out this series is because the art is out of the ordinary. I find it beautiful, though I’ve read on a fair number of other blogs that the art was a major turnoff. Do characters really have to be the same style for every anime out there?

Especially the aftermath was great to see. Four normal girls are actually being forced to engage in life-threatening situations. They seem to have special powers, but they don’t have any experience at all. If they refuse, their lives get taken away for certain. The looks on their faces when they heard this was amazingly beautiful.

Still, I’m wondering how the series will be continuing. If I recall correctly, Red Garden will have 24 episodes. It’s clear that over time, the girls will get more and more experience, and learn to use their powers better. I’m wondering how the creators will manage to keep this anime interesting, as the girls will probably end up getting used to the fact that they’re being used.

(Edit: urgh… this will be another one of those horrible anime to screencap, as most of the interesting scenes seem to be playing at night… )

0 thoughts on “Red Garden – 02 – I like the character designs. ^^

  1. I’m also loving this show so far and am wondering where it might go with the story and characters. There’s one thing I hate though… the ED song. In my case it completely ruins what the finale of both episodes achieved. :/

    I don’t get why people are put off by the character singing (unless you say it’s because you hate musicals, that’s fine by me) OR even worse – saying “it’s obvious none of those seiyuus can sing”. That’s most retarded thing I heard about this show. Anyways, the interesting part of the song this time was that Rie Tanaka’s character also joined in. ;]

  2. I am glad that you are blogging this show. It seems not many people are watching it. This show needs more love.

    At first, when I look at the character designs, they look a bit weird. But after I get used to them, they look pretty good. At least they look real and fitting to the show, not like the standard big eyes and round faces. I hope others would give this show a chance.

    The seiyuu are really doing a great job, and it’s great that they used prescoring, because it sounds so real. The screaming is GREAT!! When I first heard the insert song in ep.1, I was like O_o. But after listening it again, I begin to like the way she sings it. Same thing with the singing in ep. 2. The only thing I found weird is that Lula joined in to sing.

    Another thing I like about this show is the clothes that the characters wore, because they kept of changing them. It’s so cool!

  3. the only reason i checked out this series in the first place was because of the different drawing style. it looks nice, and the characters are unique from one another, although the emphasis on the big noses because they’re westerners is kind of too weird in a couple scenes.

    the singing is kind of freaky, i mean just all of sudden bam they’re singing. wtf? i had hoped it would be just in the first episode, but it’s nothing too bad

    and rose begging that girl to stay with her, and then when the guy jumped on her rose left her and ran away. haha

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  5. Yay yet another supporter of the Red Garden Aesthetic. Otaku have become to complacent with what anime is supposed to look like (e.g Kemonozume)

    I found the singing to be totally cringe worthy. Just because I dont like characters in something I’m watching bursting into cheesy extremely laughable song. Unless I’m watching a musical.

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