Popolocrois 2003 – 17 – Decent scenes which scream potential

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It’s annoying! Each episode has one or two moments which just scream potential, surrounded by mediocre scenes. This episode was the same: Luna’s worries about her mother were very sincere, but Zephys’ complot seems very basic: “I turned the people of Popolocrois to stone because now I can blackmail you into delivering the Moon Drop to me”. The adventures in the lunar castle were rather boring.

But the fact does remain that the pacing is currently huge in comparison to the first half of the anime. Everyone got turned to stone in episode 14, which seemed like a major plot event. Still, the lunar castle was reached within three episodes, and Pinon and the others only remain for just half an episode inside the castle. Next episode, it seems like they’ll be back in Popolocrois again, to look for the Moon Drop.

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