Night Head Genesis – 12 – Even More Mind Control

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Hmm, the bad guys get more evil by the minute. I so do hope that the following episodes will show a bit of their background and history. I’m not really into those bad guys who are just evil because they’re evil. This time, the bad guys send Asano-kun after Naoto and Naoya. His powers look a lot like the ones we saw Sonezaki use on Kariya and Tadano. That means that they’ve either got similar powers, or it was actually Asano-kun who manipulated everything, while Sonezaki just took care of the talking and diplomatic matters. If that is the case, then you’d wonder about his powers.

Three cases get highlighted again this episode: the guy who attempted to kill Miki, Kariya again and the boy who caused a bunch of suicides. Asano-kun uses the latter to try and either take Naoto and Naoya out, or to awaken or study their mysterious powers. During this stage, strange characters appear, bearing the same tattoos like the guy who attempted to kill Miki. What appears to be the case? Naoto and Naoya created these people themselves. Their negative thoughts, hidden in the backs of their heads started their existence.

Naoya also received a memo from Mikuriya. It contains a prophecy Kamiya once had. Naoto’s power seems to be too strong. For a minute, I thought I read Naoya, but it really seems to be Naoto. It’s strange, as it did seem that he managed to control his powers. “Schism, two bodies, beasts seek out to eat his flesh, separation will lead to terror and death. I cannot see past the darkness, but this Upheaval will be white.” Seriously, I have no idea what this means, but the mystery-parts in this anime really are awesome. I think the beasts are Asano-kun, Sonezaki and their bosses, with the flesh being a metaphor for his powers. Separation leads to terror and death seems to suggest that the two brothers have to stay together. But I think that there’s more than just that.

The role of Mikuriya, the research centre and the barrier also gets questioned during this episode. Right now, it seemed that the centre was evil, though Mikuriya decided that it was impossible to chase the brothers, so they formed a truce. But during this episode, Naoto actually wonders whether the barrier wasn’t meant to protect the two of them. That’s why it was so bad that the elder died. Not because Naoto and Naoya could get to others, but because others could get to them.

And also, was the name “Purple Chain” just a random coincidence, or was more behind it?

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