Some quick second impressions: Himawari, Yoshinaga-chi no Gargoyle and Gintama; three series which need more love

I’m not sure whether I’m going to use this section often, but it’s perfect if I want to say something about certain series outside of the monthly summaries. Perhaps I’ll use this more often in the future f I want to say something about series I’m not blogging.


I remember that I classified this anime as mediocre. It was probably an ordinary love-anime which was doomed to be nothing special forever. Well, I was wrong. ^^ I decided to check this out again after seeing the promo-art for the second season and became curious. I’ve seen 6 episodes as of right now, which have made me be able to give a more fitting description for this show: it’s about a female ninja, who’s horrible at every field, but has a huge amount of motivation and determination. I can’t believe how inspirational this worked. Not just for the rest of the cast of characters, but for me, as viewer as well. Himawari gets thrown into some situations, any normal person would have just quit after a few minutes. And she actually gives her full dedication to these situations, even though she goofs off horribly. This case is a simple matter of a bad first episode. I wouldn’t say that this anime is going to win many prizes, but it’s definitely a good watch.

Yoshinaga-chi no Gargoyle
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It’s really a long time ago since I saw the first episode. I just finished the second one, and now I know: this anime is hilarious! If there ever was a series which doesn’t deserve being abandoned by the fansubbers, this is it. I can’t believe how funny the cast of characters is. Each one manages to contribute in some way, and the two main characters are just hilarious. They definitely have interesting and unique personalities. I’m really recommending people who love a good comedy to check this one out, and I’m really hoping that Doremi will continue subbing this hilarious anime. ^^

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Gintama is another one of those anime you need to get into before it becomes actually funny. I think that that’s why most people (including almost me) ignored it when it first came out. Now that I’ve seen up till episode 6, I’m glad to say that Gintama is a hilarious anime. Just like with Yoshinaga, the comedy works great. There are so many puns, references and just pure random moments. I also like that this is one of the few anime that critizises itself. The dialogue is pretty difficult to follow, even with english subs, but that makes things only better. The cases, introduced in the individual episodes also show that thought has been put in them. This definitely is one of th emore creative anime out there.

0 thoughts on “Some quick second impressions: Himawari, Yoshinaga-chi no Gargoyle and Gintama; three series which need more love

  1. Gintama’s pretty funny indeed, and makes for a very enjoyable watch. I’ve yet to try Gargoyle. However I can’t stand Himawari, and it’s a shame since I was looking forward to watching it. The main problem for me is that I do not like the characters and couldn’t care less of what happens to them. That and the fact that most of the voices really annoy me. It’s the first time that a voice cast makes me stop watching an anime. 🙁

  2. I have finished Gargoyle and watched Gintama up to ep.25 (chinese subs) and all I can say is both are definitely worth watching if u like the strating episodes ^^

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