Tantei Opera Milky Holmes – 15

How do they come up with the premises for these episodes?!

Until now, there at least was some sort of semblance of logic of what each episode was about. Despite all the weird things that happened, at least at the core you could get why it was included in the series, and how the creators came up with. Even the previous episodes makes sense when you see it as an episode that tried to parody as much as possible.

This week though, I’m blank. What crazy mind came up with the following: an island, in which a big muscled man wearing a shark hat and riding an octopus commands a bunch of sea otters who keep people prisoner in order to have them harvest sea cucumbers. What? Why?!

Even so, this episode again was utterly hilarious. The entire context was already completely bizarre, but the extreme hyperactive pacing made it even crazier. The sea urchin song in particular was hysterical, but also Henriette’s disguise in this episode was completely priceless. Other highlights include the scene in which everyone got separated and got stuck with a member of the opposing team and the creators actually managed to make all four of the cases hilarious, again with a ton of self-parody as well. The Toys in the first season were the only serious part of the show. Here, they get played completely for laughs. And then there was the ending. That was awesome as well.

And on top of that: what also shouldn’t be overlooked is how great the animation in this series is. I mean, holy crap. Usually comedies tend to use a lot of still frames and simple animation. Here, the animation was just all over the place. It was full of varied poses and there were a lot of visual ideas and expressions put into it. One of the reasons why the comedy works so well is because so much energy has been put into bringing these characters to life.
Rating: *** (Awesome)

3 thoughts on “Tantei Opera Milky Holmes – 15

  1. Furthermore, the big muscled guy is a civil servant, I did not see that coming. Nothing is predictable in Milky Holmes.

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