.Hack//Roots – 26 – The End?

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I refuse to believe that this is just the end of .Hack//Roots. I demand another season! So many things are left unsolved. So many things still need to happen. Nothing has been resolved at all! It’s only that Haseo now has regained his common sense and Phyllo died of cancer. Meanwhile, even new things start popping up and Ovan seems to become the final bad guy.

My opinion about this episode? It depends on how you look at it. If it’s the end of .Hack//Roots, it sucked. If, however, it’s the end of the first half of .Hack//Roots, it was great. My favourite moment was when the certain cameo from .Hack//Sign appeared. I can’t believe he actually stayed in the world for so many years. Touta also seems to have left. Good, good. I never liked the guy anyway. Tawaraya was awesome, but Touta was way too standard.

Surprise: Saburou actually is a guy! Never saw that one coming. She also remains in The World, watching Haseo. Yata, meanwhile, is ready to introduce himself to Haseo. It seems that the Raven actually is a group of members who have the element. This expains that Yata also has awakened, and it also reveals why they’ve been so interested in Haseo.

Overall, unfortunately there are no signs that this will be getting a second season. I hope I’m wrong with this guess.

0 thoughts on “.Hack//Roots – 26 – The End?

  1. .hack//Roots was just a prequel to the games, everything that seems unresolved in the anime will be answered in the games :D. So, conclusion : Play .hack//G.U.

  2. or read the manga!!! #thewafflehouse@irc.irchighway.net .hack//GU+
    Mangaka: Yuzuhana Morita
    Original Story: Tatsuya Hamasaki
    Synopsis: Backstory/storyline to the upcoming .hack//GU PS2 game.

  3. I have a question does anyone know what came out of the waterfall because it looks like he’s about to get something good.

  4. i feel like .hack//Roots should have a 2nd season there are so many things un anserd i refuse that that was the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. i agree with so much unanswered it dousnt make much sense its like reading but not being able to read the endangered , so there should be a season 2 to clear things up

  6. play .hack//G.U and you see all lol jut play it thar are 4 g.u games out thar so it is far from over

  7. so many questions are left unanswered. i knw u say to play the game an all bt i like the anime better then games. just is their going to b a season 2? it was way to much of a cliffhanger

  8. Just watch .hack//Trilogy, in that movie u will understand a little bit more but still missing part of the history.
    If u want know all the history u need play:
    – .hack//G.U. Vol 1. Rebirth
    – .hack//G.U. Vol 2. Reminisce
    – .hack//G.U. Vol 2. Redemption

  9. There is an ending for .hack roots, u could check .hack//G.U, or could search for the Episode 27 😀

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