Mirai Nikki – 11

This show is fun, but it just makes no sense at times. Yuki has no problems with falling down a height that would have easily killed him (its a miracle they survived it even with that truck there), but gets incredibly scared to cross a ladder over just one floor, from which he just could have lowered himself.

Also, with all those unfunny skits at the end I didn’t thin it was possible, but this show actually made me laugh during that scene. Yukiteru was completely stupid there, but because of that the comedy actually worked. That was really refreshing after sitting through all of these bad skits at the end of each episode.

I’ still hard pressed what to exactly think of Yukiteru. I mean, he’s not as bad or dull as Shu from Guilty Crown (tip: if you want to make someone the next Shinji, at least get his characterization right!), and instead he’s the exaggeration of all wimpy male leads out there. This leads to scenes where he randomly shoots police officers (wtf?), and scenes where he keeps whining about being hungry and completely fails to understand the situation he’s in.It has its fun moments, but it’s exactly that latter part that bugs me a lot, and I do think that that’s holding this show down a bit.

As for Yuno, she’s a lot mote fun, although there is one thing that this anime did that I don’t really like, and that is the way they used the “vaant eyes” of in this episode. I mean, at least try to create some suspense here. Right now they’re like this “psycho-switch” on this computer. It’s too un-subtle. I often dislike the way this is used in anime. It’s like hanging a sign over the character saying “oh look, I’m acting strange!”. I get that this is supposed to be over the top and all, but even over the top series can become better through subtle acting.

Also, as for the bad jokes in this episode outside of the skit: how did Yukiteru smell donuts from outside… inside a closed window?
Rating: * (Good)

8 thoughts on “Mirai Nikki – 11

  1. “This show is fun, but it just makes no sense…”

    That’s a sign that the animators and directors are beyond exhausted and haven’t gotten much sleep for the past x weeks. It’s the same w/ Death Note. For series w/ lots of convoluted characters, plots, and logic, it’s easy for the creators to lose common sense and logic. Some “if… then…” statements just don’t work anymore. So… just enjoy the show.

    1. yes… i realise that.. is’t the hospital is abandon hospital that still look good.. or maybe all the hospital staffs take a break .(is’t possible?) haha

  2. Hello, I like your comments, but I hope you can read the manga of this anime adapatation it is REAAALLY GREAT ..I Hope this anime mantain the same rhytim as the manga because the end and all the next situations are gonna come jejeje…you are gonna LOVE IT believe me. ALSO Mawaru penguin drum was AWESOME FINAL but I will like to save all specially Shouma…he was a really nice guy…and also read PANDORA HEARTS…the anime final was no so good but the manga now a days…is really EXTRAORDINARY…see u

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