So, let me get this straight: this episode involved our cast being turned into giant monsters, invade a city, and move around buildings in order to solve a puzzle. Who the hell comes up with this stuff?!
But yeah, that’s what I like about this show: the complete ridiculousness of its premise. This episode’s puzzle really took the cake in terms of ludicrousness of the puzzle’s theme. They were never THIS crazy, but that only shows that this series is getting better. When they already get this surreal, I’m looking forward to see them actually push that even further in the second half of this series.
Again though: this was really enjoyable, and I’m warming up to the characters more and more. The chemistry between them is also just getting better and better.
Also, the side-villain. This guy’s reaction is just extreme when it comes to failure. Also, why is his screen bouncy? What kind of bizarre technology are they using. This episode seems to be the end of him, though I do hope that he’ll at least get some closure.
Also, did they seriously give a professor of theirs the nickname Pythagoras? They do know that the real Pythagoras was a crazy old man who founded his own bizarre religion? Well.. the creators did indeed get that second part right. So what about the first part…?
Rating: ** (Excellent)
Phi Brain is improving I think. It’s nothing great and they don’t have a huge budget, but it’s so enjoyable. I just love when there’s a new episode up ^^
Althought it does feel as if there isn’t a lot of people still watching it 😛
I find that this show is best watched when marathoning 3 or 4 episodes in a row at like 3 am in the morning. I find it to be very entertaining and enjoyable when I have nothing to do and have nothing else to watch. But it isn’t something that I actively look forward to watching every single week.
You know, I liked the bouncy screen.
It subverts the whole “break something in anger” trope that’s been done over and over. Made the side-villain even funnier; even the TV takes no crap from him.
Seeing those costums in the preview last week I feared the worst, but it was pretty entertaining. I loved how they made the main character dress up as a lowlife vilian XD
Also it looks like next week we finally get to see more about Kaito’s past, I can’t wait!