Phi Brain – 08

Phi Brain. What the fuck was that? I mean, this was by far the most nonsensical episode of the entire series. I mean, at least most of the previous episodes were at least somewhat grounded in logic. The drawbridge scene…. just that drawbridge scene. Who was the idiot who thought that that was a good idea? What crazy mind saw that drawbridge, and thought: “Yeah! Daimon Kaito can only be saved by a deer!”!? Also, why did you shrug this off as if it’s the most natural thing in the world to happen? In a way I can understand that bad guy’s reaction in the end. I mean, would you believe that your evil plans got thwarted by a FREAKING DEER, of all people? I sure as heck wouldn’t buy it. That fit of him was completely unjustified, because there is no way his henchman would have been able to anticipate such a ridiculous plot twist, but at least I can imagine why he did it…. Also, this show has settled in a very bizarre formula in which Daimon Kaito has to solve the puzzles of dead people who all used their puzzles to show some kind of message to their offspring. The bizarre part of this is that Daimon Kaito always ends up solving them, because nobody else but him is allowed to do so. This at least somewhat makes sense compared to that freaking deer, because it was their job and all, but if they wanted to leave a puzzle for their offspring, couldn’t they just have made a puzzle that’s not a puzzle of god? Ah, what the heck am I doing? Do we still need to search for logic after what happened in this episode? Rating: $&^%# (Wtf?!)]]>

14 thoughts on “Phi Brain – 08

  1. Er… I’m pretty sure the deer scene wasn’t meant to be taken seriously. Just sayin’. And the bad guy in the end didn’t freak out because of the deer…

  2. I honestly think that Phi Brain’s shaping up to be the most amusing show I’m following right now. I mean, in the cracked up, wtf-ery variety. (Mirai Nikki and Chihayafuru is amusing/gripping in a whole different matter.) I mean, it’s set in a world where puzzles are the next big thing after Big Mac. There’s no way I’m taking it seriously, but I am really enjoying it. This episode as well. ♥

  3. You’re definitely taking it too seriously. I laughed at that scene, which is probably how that was intended. Why make everything dramatic? It wasn’t really a serious episode and the show isn’t really serious though it doesn’t exactly set the right tone of silliness. I think you’re looking at this show the wrong way. Not that it’s all that good or anything.

  4. it wouldn’t be a problem if its storyline actually made sense…
    usually these kinds of joke episodes stand out as “joke episodes” because they have a stable premise to contrast to. This show doesn’t have a stable premise so it just blends into the muck of everything.

  5. To expand: This show isn’t going to go anywhere. It will probably try to force an issue somewhere along the line like “I will solve the puzzle of God! Find secret of the universe! And what not!” but ultimately it will most likely be lackluster if not stupid.

  6. also, the female main character will probably come across an episode that has this theme:
    Oh no! I’m useless! I’m always the one being saved! I shouldn’t be a puzzle solver! Kaito’s awesome but I’m just a burden! Couldn’t save Kaito! Etc.!
    She may not be the typical damsel in distress, but she matches the female version of the archetype of “Protagonist’s male friend who doesn’t want to get involved but is forced to and has a perfect memory” perfectly. Did I mention she has a perfect memory? That is a Deus ex Machina / forced plot device enabler if I ever saw one.

  7. Dropped this at ep.3
    It’s just too Shounen for me, and shounen animes usually never ammount to anything good in my eyes.
    Lol. so it turns out they used a cheap deus ex machina doing a cheap method

  8. I liked it, I’m not looking for logic in this show, i mean it’s a fictional japan where everone loves puzzle, end of story!! I do admit the deer scene was weird, especially how they didn’t adress it afterwards. Oh well.

  9. lol, kinda expected that it was going to turn out horribly. dropped at episode 3, still trying to figure out why you were continuing with it. It’s not because it was a shounen. it was because it was a crappy shonen. i mean, even characters like naruto and ichigo go through some serious growth, but this guy goes about playing god for 3 episodes straight without explaining a single thing. it’s like someone claiming to be a chess master in a movie about chess without showing him actually playing chess. the premise was designed for a shonen attitude but then we have to put up with the most “kiddy” antagonist along with a bunch of other kidlike cliches. the worst aspect, i feel is how its premise is about puzzles yet everything had the realism of a gag show, leaving load of shit unexplained. on one hand the show acts like it wants you to take things seriously. but instead we have everyone not taking this seriously

  10. psgels you take things to seriously. This is just a fun show that is aimed at kids in Japan. Enjoy it for what it is, a fun silly shonen show about puzzles. It’s sure as hell one of the most enjoyable half hours of anime to come out of this season. Just don’t take it too seriously. I mean by now you should know a little suspense of disbelief is required for Phi Brain.

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