Mawaru Penguin Drum – 19

@#$*!@#&!@!^&!!! I should have known! I should have bloody known! I’m not going to say why I should have known, but this episode just delivered a truckload of major plot twists. The first big one was revealed, right at the start of the episode: Kanba has been in contact with his parents all along. They’re the ones who gave him the money to cure Himari’s illness. I also love the way this was revealed, taking a place in the episode where you really wouldn’t expect it, with\out any obvious build-up whatsoever. The second big plot twist: they’re not real siblings. Holy crap. I mean, this is a twist that has been pulled many times before, but this show just got it right by not making this as shallow as the others, which nearly always boil down to “we’re doing this for the incest”. Save for perhaps the first episode, the three siblings in Penguin Drum really felt like siblings, who were especially close to each other due to what happened with their parents. And just when I thought that this would turn into this strange love triangle around Kanba… it is revealed that the one who originally introduced Himari to the family was Shouma. Rating: *** (Awesome)]]>

42 thoughts on “Mawaru Penguin Drum – 19

  1. this is like the biggest revelation! I’m still thinkin about it after 12 hours… Mawaru penguindrum is definitely the series that I can’t never anticipate!

  2. You can always count on this show to surprise you. Can’t wait to see where it goes.
    The scene with the rolling balls!! holy c@# that was just too fantastic. She didn’t get hit yet still it triggers her memory— simply delicious.

  3. i did not see that coming.o_O last episode,kanba told tabuki he has no clue where his father is even when himari was in such a predicament then bam! this episode revealed that he was secretly meeting with them.i don’t feel like i can trust him anymore.
    what?shouma is himari’s fated one?not mario?after all the events and developement that took place your’e saying that the always useless shouma might as well be the most important key into all of these?

  4. So the great thing was that I called the first two out- those were hardly a revelation for me (the Himari one was a bit off though- I had originally predicted that Kanba was the one who wasn’t related, not Himari)
    But SHOUMA? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Everything has just been completely flip flopped. What is my brain thinking anymore.

  5. I sat through this episode with my mouth hanging open. Seriously, twist after twist, and now we feel like we’re finally getting enough background to start trying to understand things. Just…wow.
    I love the way the parents were re-introduced, had to do a double-take. Kanba made talking to wanted fugitives look like the most normal thing in the world. I see major trouble in the different way the ‘twins’ see their parents, though.
    Shouma!I wonder if HE remembers? Perhaps he’s only useless because he knows a whole lot less than most people here. I’d love to see if he gets hit with one of those blue balls (no pun intended :P). Guess that explains why Himari felt off as Shouma and Ringo got closer together. Though this still doesn’t explain why Kanba got involved (I’m guessing he’s not related, either… their dad did have a son, not twins, after all)… Shouma the only child? Can’t believe it.
    And after all that, it turns out Sanetoshi wants the diary destroyed… seems he and Momoka really are playing some game.

  6. Wow, three out of nowhere ass pulls.
    Alright it was a good episode but still this sudden twist thing is getting old. The best twists are the ones that have things that hint at it a number of times but it never really clicked until the revelation where you suddenly think back to all these hints and think “HOLY CRAP! Now that makes complete sense. How the hell didn’t I notice that!” But this is the equal to a twist of “GASP! Shouma is a girl! Himari is the descendant of Jesus christ! Kanba is Hitler!” It’s cheap shock value.
    And again, 18 episodes of symbolism and nothing hinted at this. I mean come on.

  7. I do agree this episode was absolutely top-notch when it comes to twists, but come on, you can’t just ignore how much the quality in art has dropped… this episode especially was full of distorted faces and cheap proportions

  8. @AidanAK47:
    It actually was hinted but it was very subtle and you probably didn’t really notice since, of course, why would you assume such an insane plot twist in the first place lol

  9. I’m now at the point where I want this series to be over simply so I can start watching from the beginning and appreciating the way it’s all put together.
    I suspect there have been signs that these twists were coming all along.

  10. I suspected something was brewing due to the frequent hints at incest and the obvious fact that the Takakaras only had a boy 16(?) years ago, but I still ended thrown for a loss.

  11. @Aline, I noticed that too. Which is something I don’t understand. Peguindrum had bare minimum animation. They had repeating scenes, very little movement and don’t even have to animate people. So how is it that the animation budget seems to be running out?
    @ljf, are you talking about that one scene in this episode which slightly…slightly hinted it? Sorry that doesn’t count. It still doesn’t prove that it wasn’t an ass pull if it’s in the same episode. Twists one and two could be considered to be vaguely hinted or assumed but twist number three is completely out of nowhere.

  12. I do agree this episode was absolutely top-notch when it comes to twists, but come on, you can’t just ignore how much the quality in art has dropped… this episode especially was full of distorted faces and cheap proportions

    I was so busy tracking the story that the art just passed me by…. I’d have to agree this was not the best art but you’d also have to admit that up to now it has been very good. So I’ll cut’em some slack…..this time :).

  13. There are very interesting hints here and there actually. My favourite was the conversation between Kanba and Sanetoshi in ep 15:
    “Don’t you think families are a sort of fantasy, like a curse of sort? Think about it. Just how many children suffer because of their family? Parents who treats their children as objects in the name of love, abusing them. They only love themselves, yet kids must love their parents solely because they are family, and love their siblings.”
    That was definitely a cute way of going into it. Now that I think about it, the Takakura really only did have one son, as oppose to two additional children they had to keep in the dark about their activities. That certainly does explain why all three…ahem…”siblings” differ so immensely.
    Something might also be relevant regarding how Kanba’s father’s shirt now has a KIGA logo instead of a Penguinforce one. I’ll look forward to that.

  14. AidanAK47: Not sure exactly what twists you’re referring to, though I’m guessing you’re talking about Shouma being Himari’s fated one and having rescued her from the Child Broiler? Because there were a couple of hints seeded throughout:
    -the statue of the boy offering the girl the apple in Himari’s dream in episode 9 (this was the big one)
    -The child broiler making an appearance in the same dream–maybe a repressed memory?
    -the fact that Kenzan only said over the phone in episode 13 that he had one son. If this son was Shouma, that means that Kanba was probably adopted and Himari brought into the family by Shouma switching fat tracks.
    -The fact that in most of the family pictures of the Takakuras, Shouma and Himari are facing the camera/looking happy together while Kanba is somewhere in the back of the frame.
    -Now that we know that Himari was rescued from the child broiler, the glass falling around her in the second OP makes a lot more sense.
    We’ve known pretty much this whole time that either Himari or Momoka had a fated one; the question was which member of the cast it was. Ultimately it came down to either Shouma or his faceless friend, so is it really any surprise that Shouma turned out to be the one? Considering that we know the least about him of anyone in the cast, it makes sense that he has the most to hide!
    So yeah, agree that the twist was sudden and maybe could have been built up better, but the hints were there (and have been pointed out earlier by the fanbase.) The only question was putting them together.

  15. Huh, I’m actually convinced the only son was Kanba, where as Shouma and Himari changed their own fate and transferred themselves into the Takakura family.

  16. Well, one must consider that the man responsible for this episode also did episode 10.
    About the siblings not being siblings, that idea started circulating by episode 12. What I find shocking is that Himari is the outsider.
    Also, people think Kanba and Masako may be related, but thats sort of weird, because she kissed him in episode 10. Why would he suddenly be brought up as a takakura if he’s a natsume?
    Honestly though, Kanba or Mario being Himari’s fated one wouldve been the obvious choice, so knowing Ikuhara, why would he make it them? We were all shocked, and that’s what he intended. It’s not like he chose a completely irrelevant character the Yamashita though.

  17. Theory Time!
    time for some theories yo
    After the mindshock that was 19 yesterday, with the entire plot being flipped around and such, I have plenty of new theories to enlighten you all with! Consider some other shows (namely, Doctor Who) to be an inspiration of sorts. This is kind of a huge long rant, so prepare yourselves! Spoilers Ahead.
    So things we learned from yesterday’s episode:
    The parents are not dead (called it)
    Kanba does indeed, know where his parents are, and not only that, but is in close contact with them (called it)
    The people his parents are working with are giving him the money to survive the regular expenses of his house/living (called it)
    Sanetoshi cannot touch the diary, and most interestingly, does not like the Diary; he wants to get rid of it in order to his achieve his plans, which is “to make the Takakura children accomplish what their parents could not”
    Himari is the girl who was adopted into the Takakura family, not Kanba (which I had suspected, damn)
    Natsume has now obtained a new set of Penguinbullets which can restore memories instead of taking them away
    Yuri and Tabuki had originally planned to become a team to revive Momoka together, but slowly develop into a real family
    And of course, the major!shock revelation that Shouma was Himari’s soulmate, and that he had given the Apple of Fate to her, not Mario
    So with a lot of turns and twists, I’ll get straight to the point. Here’s what I think, personally:
    We are set in a timeline where Momoka has reversed the fates- or rather, has ‘boarded’ another train of fate in which Yuri nor Tabuki has died. Thus, this has skewed the fate of everyone who is connected to that train of fate (pun intended)- both the Takakuras and Ringo. Call it the Butterfly Effect; in sacrificing herself for both Tabuki and Yuri, Momoka has literally created a paradox in which everyone’s fatelines (this is now a word) have been altered in one way or another. This includes Himari’s soulmate being Shouma instead of Mario.
    Now in the future of this timeline- we’ll call it the current!timeline for the sake of not creating confusion- something has gone drastically wrong, to the point where Momoka, in the future, has to come back into the past- now the present timeline- in the form of the Princess of the Crystal, to change things back to the way they were supposed to originally be. That is, for Mario (or whoever) being the original soulmate of Himari, and for Yuri and Tabuki to die, Momoka to live, or in other words- for fate not to have been transferred. Momoka speaks of fate in two specific ways- one, which is similar to boarding a train (hence the whole train motif) and the other, which is in the idea of ‘transaction’- not changing fate, but replacing it (see: how Momoka replaced Yuri’s father’s David Statue with the Tokyo Tower, how she replaced herself in Tabuki’s place so that he would not die in the train accident). We can also talk about transfer as to how each character’s parents have in a way, transferred their hopes, dreams, expectations (and fate) onto them. In reference to the boarding the train idea, this leads me to the idea that a train can have many many paths- and if the train is fate, well, why can’t we have parallel universes and timelines? The Princess of the Crystal states she comes from teh destination of fate; that is, where this train stops (or crashes). I believe that’s the end of the line for the current timeline. POC is trying to prevent that from happening- namely, for the train to ‘set on another track’.
    Please note that this is pretty specific at the moment; my main general idea is that this is an alternate timeline where the critical point has or has not happened yet and that Future!Momoka, or rather, POC, is trying to rectify things before they happen the way they have happened in an alternate timeline causing everything to go out of proportion.
    Now, Sanetoshi is either trying to do the same thing his own way- by making the children finish ‘the mission’- Project M, which I think, is different for everyone (Ringo- Maternity, Natsume-Martyrdom/Marriage or something, and for Sanetoshi- Mission) or he is against the POC’s wishes and is trying to keep the timeline the same as it is. Somehow, the Penguindrum- which we still don’t know what it is yet, but it is something (either substantial or a mere concept) related to Kanba- and the Diary factor into this. The Diary is not the Penguindrum (still not sure about this). But the Penguindrum has the ability to basically create a mass deus ex machina, which will change everything back to the way it should be- basically, re-alter the current!timeline so it becomes the proper timeline. Now, if the Penguindrum is the Diary, then we’ll have to reconsider Ringo paying the price of it as a result- hence both Openings showing her enveloped in flames (I find it intriguing that Ringo was born right after Momoka’s death- while the first half of the series focuses on her trying to become Momoka, and then not become Momoka, wouldn’t it be interesting if she was the current!timeline reincarnation of Momoka?). However, if the Diary is NOT the Penguindrum, we’ll have to consider it as just another thing entirely. The thing is that anyone who touches the Diary has to pay a price; everyone in this series except Tabuki and Sanetoshi have touched the Diary. (I’m not clear if this is just by touching the Diary, or touching it when it’s in the process of a Transfer). Secondly, POC states that if the Takakura brothers do not obtain the Penguindrum, they will lose something precious to them- more precious than their sister’s life, apparently. Also, we still don’t know what caused Himari’s illness, or why she got it, something Shouma hinted at in this week’s episode, was related to their parents.
    Now going back to the Transfer Fate theme in this story:
    Shouma is revealed to be the Soulmate of Himari, but knowing Ikuhara (and Utena) along with what actually happened, I’m a bit confused about what ‘Soulmate” really means. We’ve seen different forms of love in this show- for Kanba, he truly is in love with Himari; Shouma likes Ringo as a friend, Ringo is in love with Shouma, Yuri and Tabuki share their ‘love’ through their ‘love’- aka idolization, of Momoka, whom they view as God more than just a friend. Now, going back to the parallel that Momoka brought Tabuki out of the Child Broiler, and Shouma doing the same for Himari: Soulmate doesn’t have to necessarily mean love (I might just be in denial, tbh). For one thing, Shouma wishes Himari to join his family, not get married. This might have to do with the idea that Shouma’s innocence and naivety at that time might have taken the form/concept of giving Himari love through platonic action- placing her into his family. However, this brings two main questions: How did Shouma obtain the Apple of Fate, and why did he choose Himari? I don’t think Soulmate means Love as it means ‘Savior’. Shouma saved Himari from being wiped of her identity, of her loneliness and sin. The second question however, is that why doesn’t either Shouma or Himari remember this? Does Shouma have a sort of Momoka-ness to him? The show has really put him into the background for the majority, which has always led me to suspect that he would play a fundamental role in the end, but I didn’t expect this.
    So obviously there’s some loose ends which I still can’t figure out, and we have five episodes left for them to explain all of this (which sort of worries me)…but I guess…we’ll have to find out?

  18. @Aidan: I do agree with the others here- a lot of the revelations were totally hinted at in previous episodes, especially the fact that one of the siblings was not related by blood, and that Kanba was in association with the same people his parent’s were/are associated with. I’m not so sure about the Shouma revelation- I totally didn’t see it coming, but I do remember chatting with some folks early on about how it could have been a possibility (knowing Ikuhara, just like ljf said)
    There were certain moments where I could see the drop in animation for sure, but like already said, I was so invested into the story and the twists that I didn’t really notice? But I mean, we’ve only had three episodes (including this one) which have had a major quality drop, and considering how strong the other parts of this show are, it’s not that big of a deal (this is from someone who takes animation quality quite seriously too). 🙂

  19. The diary itself does not change fate it’s the spell within the diary that does. So technically one does not need the diary to do the Transfer

  20. @Wendeego,
    The child boiler was shown briefly in himari’s library episode. Though only for about a second. But the issue I have with this twist is that it’s Shouma that is the fated one of Himari. So a lot of those hints you give aren’t really relevant.
    “We’ve known pretty much this whole time that either Himari or Momoka had a fated one; the question was which member of the cast it was. Ultimately it came down to either Shouma or his faceless friend, so is it really any surprise that Shouma turned out to be the one? Considering that we know the least about him of anyone in the cast, it makes sense that he has the most to hide!”
    Sorry, I don’t understand this. Himari and Shouma have had little screen time together. Most of the time Kanba and Himari were shown together as a giant red herring. I don’t know what you mean by knowing Himari or Momoka had a fated one. And why did it come down to Shouma and the faceless guy? Sorry but either my memory of the past episodes is a little fuzzy or your logic makes no sense at all.
    @Snowolf, I accepted that the parent twist and non blood related twist was vaguely hinted. Even if in episode 13 Kenzan said that he had one son that only suggests that one of the boys is adopted but says nothing about Himari being adopted.Its the Shouma twist I find comes straight out of nowhere. And the animation drop has been going on for longer than just three episodes.

  21. @AidanAK47: Well, it’s process of elimination, really. We know that in episode 9, we saw two statues: a girl, and a boy giving the girl an apple. So assuming the girl was Momoka, Tabuki would probably be a good candidate. Or if the girl was Himari, then Shouma or Kanba would be a good candidate (or Yamashita if you were going for conspiracy theories)
    Tabuki has already played his role, so he can’t be a candidate–also, notice that Momoka saved HIM, so if anything Momoka gave him an apple. That leaves Himari as the girl, with Kanba, Shouma and Yamashita as candidates. Of those three, we already know a lot about Kanba. On the other hand, we know almost nothing about Shouma and Yamashita, so it stands to reason that since all the other characters have been filled in, one of them would be her soulmate.
    Then again, the above is pretty convoluted and probably not logically sound, SO: think about it for a second. Remember Shouma’s speech in episode 12 about Mary and the Lamb? Remember how Mary had to pay a price in order to take the torch?
    All this time, a lot of people have assumed that the price was Himari. But if Shouma is the true son of the Takakuras, then what if he was the price? Remember the OP, where the silhouette of one of the brothers fell and dissolved as penguin symbols switched from KIGA to Penguin Force? I think that Shouma (whatever he is) might have been the catalyst that Kenzan used in order to execute Survival Strategy. That would mean that hints were there from the very first episode (in the OP, anyway)
    Leaves a lot of questions, though. How much of the Takakura family life is a fabrication? How much does Shouma know? Why is he so useless now? The Takakura parents have taken punishment for Himari and for Kanba, but why is Shouma left out in the cold?

  22. I actually saw the Shouma is her “person of destiny” thing coming. I mean…come on with the whole Ringo arc and all.
    Though I do have to admit, I though that Kanba was the one who was adopted into the family, not Himari. That surprised me…

  23. I’m not over with the KanbaxHimari : remember the strange relationship between Kanba and the Princess of the Crystal ? There’s definitely something behind it. She told him “You can do it (save Himari-chan) because the Penguindrum is your…”
    Until now, Kanba’s been the only character giving his life/heart/blood/whatever countless times to the Princess of the Crystal in order to save Himari. And each time, the Princess is completely naked, hahaha… remember the project M as Maternity ? Moreover, Sanetoshi is referring to the hat as “the veil of the bride”. If the Princess is the bride, she seems to have chosen Kanba over Shouma, and I can’t believe this has no connection with all that “soulmates” matter.
    And what about a connection between Sanetoshi and Shouma ? After all, we know Sanetoshi is a strange guy with magic powers close to Momoka’s. We assume he’s been talking about her when he’s saying there’s another being like him in the world.
    That means we only have two “fate gamers” : Sanetoshi and Momoka/Princess. Shouma doesn’t seem to remember anything about magic or fate : could have been “something” else sharing his body when he saved Himari ? Moreover, Sanetoshi seems quite interested by Himari/the princess, trying to kiss her in the library. He failed beacause of the Princess, suddenly taking over Himari’s body, putting her finger on his mouth : “Don’t”. Maybe because she actually chose Kanba as her fated one !
    My theory : Momoka is back as the princess of the Crystal. She has chosen Kanba for her survival strategy (aka a baby aka her own reincarnation in the real world ?). Sanetoshi is like her, he wants her but she doesn’t. At the same time, he seems to be playing a game with/against her, related to fate. Maybe him winning the game means he can do whatever he wants with her ?? Maybe for him, putting the train back on tracks means Momoka is going back to him ?
    After all, Momoka’s been messing with the fate of many people and is obviously rejecting Sanetoshi.
    What I don’t understand is Shouma’s role. I’d like to think Sanetoshi has been controlling him so that he could create all this crap about Himari (who’s destined to revive Momoka) being Shou’s soulmate. It’s the perfect way to prevent Kanba and Himari/Momoka from getting any closer.

  24. You know, Himari being save by Shouma from the child broiler doesn’t really mean that she have to be adopted. She could be very well the Takakura’s real daughter. She may have felt that she is unwanted when their parents went missing, and in effort to persuade her to come back from the child broiler, Shouma offered himself/his apple(what is that apple anyway? does it really signify “soulmate”?since there are three of those apples in their house). Of course there’s the whole Masako’s “you are still pretending to be their little sister” thing in this episode though. Something might have happened and she “stopped” being their sister.
    Someone made a connection between Himari and the shards(symbolizing the children who went through the “broiling” process in the child broiler.Yeah I know, without context everything is wtf) around her in the OP and that got me thinking, is the Princess of Crystals really on the good side? She could be very well on the side of the child broiler people. Or maybe she is on the good side, the crystal symbolizing the non broiled non-shard children..
    Another thing is that I don’t think Momoka and the Princess is the same person. My theory is that the princess is the hat entity and she can only possess “special” souls like Momoka, Himari, and Mario. Remember episode 13 when Sanetoshi talked to the camera thing? There are only two things there at that time,Momoka and the Penguin Hat.So yes,I’m going crazy because of this show.

  25. I think some people are missing the point about this whole “fated one” business. Just because Shouma is Himari’s fated one does not mean they will be the “end couple” of the series. What you feel and what fate tells you to do are two very different things. In the same way Tabuki actually might have been Ringo’s fated one but she just happened to fall in love with Shouma.
    I am actually thinking that the Penguin Queen (who is most likely Momoka) is trying to keep certain characters apart so the world will not get back the way Sanetoshi wants it to: hence the reason Shouma is always knocked out of the survival strategy. Perhaps the POC could see that Kanba had the feelings for Himari and was pushing that relationship that goes against fate. You can also say that in a way the POC brought Ringo & Shouma together another relationship that defies fate.
    Was Shouma being Himari’s fated one heavily hinted, no? But there is absolutely nothing in the series that contradicts it either. We always knew it had to be one of the characters in the series and there were limited choices. In fact if my theory is correct the very fact that the POC always removed Shouma from those survival strategy sessions might have been the biggest hint of all.
    it is revealed that the one who originally introduced Himari to the family was Shouma.
    I am not sure if this is what happened at all. Right now I don’t know who is related to who but I doubt anyone is adopted. I think it’s more that “fate” has been changed creating families that might not have existed in another timeline.
    Since Shouma can enter the child broiler like Momoka I also think he has the power to change fate, but he seems to have lost his memory of this ability.

  26. To be honest, most of “the hints were there” comments mentioned seem to be a load of BS.
    I think MPD throws so much stuff at people, that you can go back and read a lot into things, similar to people who think the Nostradamus predicted the future.
    This is a show that encourages people to read into everything, and you can read too much into it.
    I haven’t read through everything because too many walls of text are being erected, but uh Mario is Himawari’s real intended one? What?
    MPD isn’t playing by any rules, and by establishing that anything goes with memory loss/ magic/ changed fates, it means people can be lying when they think they’re telling truths, people can be telling truths that have been turned into lies because of the changes to fate.
    I have no idea if I will be satisfied by the final outcome. It’s literally unpredictable.

  27. Oh yeah..
    After last episode I said:
    “I would love it if he [Shouma] ends up being the one to save everybody!”
    I may have been closer to the truth than I thought, and I might get what I want, which is to see Shouma stepping up and playing a bigger part in the series.
    one of the next few episodes HAS to focus on him. COME ON!

  28. I did forget to mention that I did think this episode looked bad animation wise. Apparently it was done by the same guy who did episode 10, so it’s not surprising. Maybe this was also a cost savings episode. Ah well!

  29. Greetings. I’m here to say that Kanba may be the TRUE child of the Takakuras. But when Momoka used her diary to change fate, I’m sort of thinking Shouma was created when the tracks shifted and Momoka disappeared.
    But the scarf Himari was wearing is important to her, and Shouma’s still a mystery…

  30. The hints were there are more like…if Shouma didn’t end up in this role it would have been some pretty shoddy writing. Of course nobody’s sure of anything in this series….
    Also, I fall into the Shouma is repressing memories like Himari camp. He seems pretty ansty but we don’t know why yet. Finally, I think Momoka and Himari are liked somehow, but of course have no idea how.
    Of the many questions I have remaining, Himari’s illness is starting to get pretty pressing…

  31. Asspull after asspull. I want to drop this… But after watching this long I may as well stick around to see it all fall apart at the end.

  32. Also, by the way:
    According to the eyecatch subway track, we’re just about to turn the corner (just like the real-life subway line it is based on.) The next five episodes are the final stretch. The aquarium is in sight.

  33. Also, regarding reading too much into Penguindrum:
    For all its inconsistent budget and ridiculous plot twists, I’m of the opinion that Mawaru Penguindrum is one of the most deliberately constructed shows in recent memory. Just look at how the backgrounds are arranged, or the set composition, or how characters or plot elements are often foreshadowed several episodes before they appear.
    Did we know that Yuri was a lesbian? No. Did we know that Tabuki’s hands were crushed by a piano? Probably not. We only had a fragmentary glance at the Child Broiler, as well. But we did see Yuri clad in princess garb in the OP (pretty ironic, considering her past) and got a pretty good glimpse at the Tragedy of M, which was pretty much her past and tragedy verbatim. We did see Tabuki juxtaposed with the bird cage a number of times, and the scars on his hands had to have come from somewhere.
    And the child broiler? Look back through the episodes for rotating blades–fans, helicopters, whatever. The places that they appear (in the Child Broiler, above Himari’s death bed, part of the helicopter hovering above Yuri as her father abuses her) make way too much sense to be coincidental.
    Could Penguindrum have been paced better? Probably. Could we have given us more insight into the characters? Definitely. There are so many balls in the air at the moment that the show very well could self-destruct at the end. But the sheer amount of effort that’s evident in this project makes me think that the creators are giving it their all.
    And you know what? I’m totally fine with that. I’ll let Ikuhara carry this crazy experiment to its end. I think that the crew of Penguindrum have the chutzpah to pull it off, but even if they slip up at the end I think the show’s memorable enough that it would be an achievement by any measure.

  34. Just a random thought, i’m curious if there’s any potential symbolism (and foreshadowing) between the memory balls (blue = recollection, red = forgetting) and the color of Kanba and Shouma’s hair =\

  35. I don’t bother to read all these theories about Mawaru Penguindrum. I’m just glad Shouma’s more than just a side character now. (cos I really liked him when he was all joyful and now he’s so emo :-T)
    I’d be so sad if Shouma being all magical is just a side effect from Momoka’s powers…

  36. Dayumn. This is one of those sereis I wish I had started watching only AFTER it had ended.
    Now homeboy Shoma gonna’s show who’s da bawsss, just wait and see! All coming just as keikaku*.
    Seriously, Penguim DRAMA feels like a weird cross between David Lynch, Harukami and mental retardation. I love it!
    * keikaku means plan.

  37. i like it, wasn’t really happy by how thing were going in episode 6 – 15(somewhere in there). but this episode do intrigue me

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