Mawaru Penguin Drum – 09

I loved this episode! It’s the kind of episode that goes for something completely different, and I really love these gimmicky episodes like this. It’s been a huge while since one appeared, especially in series that have a continuous plot. Those complaining that Himari was a mary sue? Hah, this episode is there to prove you wrong. In 20 minutes this show gave a heap of depth to her, after strangely ignoring her for so many episodes.

This was both in the obvious, and in the subtle ways. For example, amongst the books that she returned in the library, one was about learning to earn ten times more. Apart from that we never see this confirmed, but she too is well aware of the money problems that the siblings have. I have no idea why she was interested in “Sputnik Weirdo”, though.

The direction also was just fantastic. Even better than usual. This episode didn’t have any action whatsoever, but the camera angles and plot twists alone just completely made up for it. Everything just seemed to fit, not to mention the wonderful music. This series really can get me excited unlike any other series this season (even Steins;Gate), and this episode only increased this.

After a bit of research, I found out that this episode was storyboarded and directed (both the episode and animation direction) by just one guy: Nobuyuki Takeuchi, and I can see the influences. Probably his most notable works are as one of the chief animators of the Utena Movies, and as the visual director of Bakemonogatari and Moonphase. It’s especially amazing what he can do when working together with an actually good director (Kunihiko Ikura was the one who wrote this episode). This episode felt like everything that Shaft should have been: strong direction, no wasted time on random blabber, no repetition of the same scenarios over and over and gone is the poor build-up.

Also, I applaud the use of the two friends. That was very clever use of symbolism. I think everyone thought that the two girls at the ED were supposed to be female versions of the two lead brothers as some sort of weird joke. Instead it’s all about Himari and her two friends. And the subway signs. I’ve seen Utena, so I really should have known that there was more behind them than just that. On top of that the story of Himari’s past too was just wonderful. It gave her depth, flaws, personality, and I really like how the creators used the first episodes to show little of her on purpose, rather focusing Shouma. Saving the best for last, eh?

Also, I have to praise this show for using the pink-haired guy. The thing is that whenever series introduce characters halfway through, they almost always forget that they also appear in the OP, so they just start with these random shots that just show the characters, that don’t really say anything other than: “I’m about to appear”. This episode really pulled his introduction out of the blue. We know that he’s important due to that OP, and this episode made great use of that.
Rating: *** (Awesome)

18 thoughts on “Mawaru Penguin Drum – 09

  1. This episode was what this series needed, since the focus on Ringo made the last episode almost unbearable for me (really, I hated her with a fiery passion last episode, I like Yandere characters, I do, but she crossed a line and too much of a good thing is never any good). The only thing that saved last week’s episode was the tearing of the diary. So, a bit of a break from Yandere Ringo was the perfect move to make here.

    Also, this episode really gave some great background to Himari as well as to the series as a whole. We got some more clues to the overall workings of the penguins as well, so there was nice plot progression here too (along with just as many questions being raised as answered, which I am perfectly fine with).

    I really adored how this series had an Utena feel to it, more so than the the previous episodes, and the afterlife symbolism found in this episode was just brilliant.

    The best part of this episode for me though, was Sanetoshi (the pink haired character). The moment he appeared in the OP, I was just eagerly awaiting for him to pop up in the actual show, and now he has, and he was glorious and is now my favorite character in the series. On a purely fangirl level his appearance was beautiful, his voice was lovely, and males speaking in Keigo (polite language) is extremely attractive sounding to me.

    Outside of that though, I am intrigued by the role he is going to play in all of this, he is most likely the one who Natsume is talking to about Project M (if not him, then maybe Tabuki?) And Sanetoshi’s mysterious personality and questionable morality (since, in the visual metaphor’s going on in this episode he is most likely the devil) just makes me like him even more, even if he does turn out to be absolutely horrid like Akio.

    I’m really looking forward to next week’s episode, even if it goes back to Ringo. I want to see how Sho is doing.

  2. Really great episode. I’m still dying to know Shoma’s fate, but Himari needed some development and this one provided it in spades. Suddenly, she has gone from McGuffin girl to a realistic young girl with her own set of goals and failures. Interestingly enough, both Himari and Kanba did something in the past that put their parent’s life in danger. But what about Shoma? Despite having spent so many time on him, I feel he’s the one we know the least about.

    But this is Himari’s episode, so let’s center on her. I wonder if she will meet Hikari and Hibari some time in the future or if she will start attending school again. Also, who’s that boy that gave her the apple? Or maybe those figures aren’t Himari’s but other person’s and she is just yuxtaposing herself on them? And what the heck is that “bride of fate” thing? I’m getting many Utena vibes here.

    The sequence when the insert song started playing was excellent. Nobuyuki Takeuchi has done a great job with this episode that raises more even more answers. Another praise goes for Yukari Hashimoto, the BGM’s did a wonderful job to convey the atmosphere of sorrow and sadness.

  3. A-haaa. I got a shaft vibe too during this episode. More notably the shots that have the camera really far away but very zoomed in with no perspective at all. It worked really well in this episode.

  4. omg I just rewatched the first episode out of boredom and I had totally forgotten that Kanba kissed Himari at the very end of it! That just gives a completely different twist to all we’ve seen so far. Just how many amazing subplots can one series contain!?

  5. That’s cheating! It’s totally cheating to leave off resolving the cliffhanger for a week.

    This episode was rather marred for me since I was constantly wondering if the episode was going to devote any time to showing what happened next. It would have been a fine episode to show last week, or next, but right now it just feels like a troll. But then I’m one of the few who’s been happy with all the Ringo/Shoma screentime.

    Finally, people were complaining Himari’s a Mary Sue? She’s barely had any screentime!

  6. Just thinking that both the father and mother of the Takakuras got hurt by protecting their children from mirrors…
    Does that make some sense to anyone??

    And recently rewatched episode 1 and realized some things, like the random kids talking outside about the apple is magical and connects this world with the afterlife somehow…The first time I watched ep 1 I did not pay attention because I thought it was random blabber but it makes some sense now…

  7. “This episode was what this series needed, since the focus on Ringo made the last episode almost unbearable for me”

    Exactly… It is clear now that Ringo is whats been dragging this show down… When it focuses on Himari its MUCH better

    Shame we will go back to her, but hopefully there will be a lot more Himari and less Ringo in the 2nd half

  8. As far as I’m concerned, the apple thingy can be related to the story of Adam and Eve. Most likely IMO. Btw, that boy who’s wearing the penguin hat’s name is Mario Natsume who I assume is somewhat connected to that Natsume girl(the one who seems to despise Kanba.

  9. Loved this episode. The last episodes that conveyed this otherworldly dreamlike atmosphere were the Alice in Wonderland episode of Ouran Host Club and an episode in Dokkoida, which covered the android girl’s dream.

    Also, some excellent BGM in this episode, like the soothing piece playing around 13:40. Penguindrum keeps bringing a smile to my face, whenever I watch it.

  10. btw, for some reason i think that mario is a girl as she wears high-heels XD (i dont know what people call that. teehee) and not to mention the bike-rider in previous episodes who looks like celty in DRRR! is a woman as you can see her, err chest(?)

  11. Sputnik Weirdo is almost most definitely a Haruki Murakami reference to Sputnik Sweetheart, seeing as how the book (Superfrog Saves Tokyo) Himari keeps asking for is a short story by Murakami.

  12. This was exactly what I wanted. I think in the last episode comments I said how I wanted to see more Himari, well they timed this perfectly for me. I even forgot about the thing with Shoma, so.. that was even excited at the end.

    I didn’t think the girls in the ED were girl versions of the brothers, but I didn’t expect them to be childhood friends of Himari. I thought they would be other girls in the same situation as Himari, working with other sides of whatever is going on in this series. I’m still not super sure what IS happening in this series yet, and with the inclusion of Himari’s soulmate there are more threads being thrown around, but I am excited to see where they all lead.

    And I must say. You’re so right about the angles in this episode. Beautiful direction.

  13. I LOVE THE INSERT SONG! I repeated the scene like 5 time just in order to listen to it again!

    This episode was just amazing! (Even though I wanted to know what happened to Shouma)
    And who the heck is Himari’s fated person???

  14. I had read somewhere that Noboyuki Takeuchi was going to be heavily involved in this episode but completely forgot about it until the elevator scene. Dude LOVES elevators.

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