Blood-C – 07

At first sight it may seem that Clamp are just reusing the same things, though they’ve actually succeeded quite well by now in building their own universe. The wish in this episode was the best example of that so far for this series: it’s of the same type of wish as with xxxHolic, Tsubasa Chronicle and Kobato, but instead of just being the same, they strengthen each other and are all different ways to look at the same concept. This episode is all about the nature of wishes: is this one going to be a good or a bad one?

This again was a very powerful episode, as it revealed that Saya’s father had pretty much been deceiving her. It’s also where the build-up of the earlier episodes comes into play again, and nothing really turn out what they seemed to be. If the earlier episodes would have immediately stated this, this revelation would not have been as powerful.

On the animation front, it is a bit of a shame that the creators couldn’t hold on to the amazingly fluent animation of the first few episodes; probably due to budget issues, but I’m glad to see that they’re still trying. Especially when that giant swordsman attacked: you could actually see him put his weight into his blows (Saya really needed her supernatural strength in order to be able to defend from forces like that!), and he really felt like he made an impact on the scenery whenever he went, destroying just about everything he stepped on, rather than just leaving giant foot-prints like a lot of other shows like to do. The attention to detail still is abundant.

Also, and this is something I just realized while up this entry… we have a dog who is the owner of a shop who sells wishes… voiced by Jun Fukuyama. Could it be? I’m getting some serious Kobato flashbacks here.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

12 thoughts on “Blood-C – 07

  1. Many people are dead certain it is Watanuki he did say that the reason he is in the dog form is just because of the limitations the wish he is supposed to grant places upon him. The rest was pretty obvious, its clamp they love crosovers.

  2. @ Anon
    Remember, wiki can be edited by everyone and it could be just a very strong speculation. Still Im on the watanuki=dog Camp.

  3. This series has too much intentional and completely superfluous stalling. People should get the trollface ready for the finale, where the series will end on the twist to motivate the movie, which you’ll get to see at the end of 2012.

    Time and time again characters could actually advance the plot by more than centimeters, but opt not to for no obvious reason, except possibly there being nothing else to this show besides the revelation of how Saya forgets that she is a monster, and so doing so would leave them with nothing else to do.

    The introduction of Watanuki does make the setup a bit more complicated, and I imagine it will fuel the speculation that Saya is dreaming.

  4. Things are really heating up. I felting the ending monster fight was pretty lousy though.

    I’m wondering which characters are going to turn out to be Chevaliers, or even if Daddy-dearest is one. I could see Fumito being one, actually. It would explain the creepy affection he seems to have.

  5. This is extremely stupid — I am not saying that blood c can’t be CAMPified but why do that when other animes already have crossovers?

    This is the worst thing done to blood and I am a crossover fan — my complaint is not on the concept but on the execution. By doing that its kinda stalling other issues blood c can focus on like diva, chiropteran and the existence of others like saya or even chevaliers

    I heard somewhere this is only 12 eps long then if its that true the whole series is going horribly.

  6. “continuation of comment after reading other comments” SO SPOILER

    that dog is watanuki O_O now thats not cool unless they make it cool

    also watanuki has become more of a sour guy than yuko


    saya is much like younger watanuki lol

  7. I think there is very little likelihood that anything from Blood+ will be in Blood-C. What allusions there are point toward the OVA, but I also wouldn’t read too much into that either.

    We also don’t know for a fact that it is Watanuki, but it certainly doesn’t take a lot of reading between the lines to come to that conclusion.

  8. @m

    It would really suck if clamp basically ripped off the name Blood but didn’t make it a crossover, just a rehash of previous work. Talk about lazy. It would also suck if it’s 12 episodes vs 21 or something. There’s a lot of good potential here, but it sounds like they are going to ignore it in favor of clamp narcissism.

  9. That is why i stop watching clamp works. The crossovers didn’t appeal to me and personally I think that if they could bring a solid story that stands on itself it would be awesome.

    Blood c had so many good things going for it if they focus on it but they had to do a crossover. Whatever. I officially dropped it. Why not just do a series about demons and don’t drag the franchise blood into it.

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