Hyouge Mono – 17

Oh god. We’ve reached the point now where Sasuke has become a Daimyou. A Japanese feudal Lord. He got his own area to govern over. An area he chose because its name sounded like “Olive” (the color, not the food). So now, he’s the Lord of Olive. If this guy isn’t eccentric, then I don’t know anymore. I can only imagine what he’s planning to do with it. Mind you: we’re not even at the halfway point of this series. There’s still so much that still has to happen (39 episodes for the win!).

Seriously though: some very interesting things have happened since the death of Oda Nobunaga: Sasuke has gradually been climbing up the ranks under the influence of Hashiba Hideyoshi. Under Oda Nobunaga he was just a messenger on the front lines, but with Hideyoshi things are completely different and he was able to grab much more influence by playing his cards right.

Heck, we see very little main characters like him, who actually end up having so much influence, unless we’re talking about nobles, royalty or other stuff that allows you to inherit everything you need from your parents or stuff like that. And most characters who do meet these criteria often try to keep it a mystery of how they made it to the point they are. Sasuke may be from an influential family, but the past 17 episodes really showed in detail that the biggest reason why he is at the place he is now thanks to his own abilities, connections and effort. His family only plays a relatively minor role, and his genes aren’t even hinted at.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

5 thoughts on “Hyouge Mono – 17

  1. I don’t think subs will be ever available in this series. No interest from subbers; no interest from fans; It seems that only Psgels is watching this show.

    It’s funny how Psgels keeps praising this even though almost no one can relate. As expected of your “Watch every series out there” blogger.

  2. This thing is completely awesome! No intereste from subbers? I think they just get too busy with translating “difficult” stuff from bleach or naruto

  3. How many downloaders would download this? 100, maybe 200. You think that’s worth hours of effort? How about YOU try subbing and see how easy it is, lolcat.

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