Fumetsu no Anata e – 13-15 [Dropped]

This will be my last time writing about Fumetsu no Anata e. Several of its recent episodes have left me without a single positive thing to say, and while I’m regularly critical of anime, there’s no value in unchecked negativity. I flirted with the idea of throwing this post in the trash as well, but I’ll just throw up a warning here instead: only venture beyond this sentence if you’re as frustrated with the show as you imagine me to be.


13: It looks like Fumetsu’s new arc is going to be more goal-driven than what came before, with plenty of talk between Fushi and his hooded creator outlining a plan for the series’ future. In one corner we have an immortal dude in a black cloak who wants to preserve Earth in its current state; in the other we have the Nokkers, who seek to disturb the planet’s fragile order. The Nokkers’ location is a constant source of discussion in this episode, which shows just how far Fushi’s mental acuity has come since his orb days. He’s speaking in complete sentences, strategically picking his destinations, and asserting himself in dialogues with characters like the hooded man and Pioran. I was surprised by Pioran’s reappearance, since she’d already acted as a guide once before – her reasoning felt a bit like the series asking for a redo, but Fushi’s evolved personality gave them an all-new dynamic, so I’m alright with it. She didn’t help much in keeping her companion out of slavery, though, to say nothing of herself. Now she’s a damsel in distress on a prison island where Fushi has to win a tournament to free her? I’m getting minor shounen vibes from this plot development, and I can’t say I’m a fan.

14: This may be the worst episode of the show so far, and given how poor the Gugu arc was in its early stages, that’s saying something. Fushi’s goal at the moment is to rescue Pioran from captivity, and given that he tries multiple times to scale the wall of her prison, he must have some idea where she’s being held. So why doesn’t he try to find another entrance – say, the one through which new prisoners are taken – instead of doing any of this other shit? He may have lost his ability to transform into March, but he can still become a wolf and a firebreathing macho man, plus he’s functionally immortal, so he should be able to storm a more ordinary entrance (which must exist somewhere on the island). But nah, let’s take the scenic route instead: jump into an arena for some limp-looking death games, defeat opponents as nonviolently as possible, win tournament, become chief, issue an edict freeing Pioran. We can even pick up a ragtag band of badly-integrated child characters along the way, whose desensitization to killing can teach the audience that murder is bad! I swear, dopey lines and boring shots covered this episode like oily fingerprints. Not even Parona’s appearance could rescue it, and she’s my favorite cast member. If the next one is similarly disappointing, I’ll be through blogging this show.

15: I’m through blogging this show. Dedicating a full paragraph to this episode would leave me feeling hollow, so I’ll just say that Tonari is one of the worst characters I’ve become acquainted with all year. She jumps from exuberance to pitiful pleading to mockery on the whims of what feels like half a dozen writers, each of whom create lines for her without consulting the others. Among shows that have displayed even a hint of promise at some point in 2021, only Back Arrow can boast that level of incoherent characterization. Tonari worsens every plot in which she factors, so I have no further desire to write about them, or a show where her role seems to increase with each week.

9 thoughts on “Fumetsu no Anata e – 13-15 [Dropped]

  1. I feel you. This arc will take at least another three episodes and I already got tired by it in the manga. The tidbits of info I heard about the subsequent arcs confirm that it’s only getting worse for me, sadly. Technically the premise is great and one of those themes where the story kind of write itself, but I guess the mangaka wanted something different from what I had expected, otherwise this arc would already happen centuries after than the first one, not five years later. I was hoping for something like Tezuka’s Phoenix, but with a constant MC I guess.

  2. This was around where I put down the manga and I definitely saw this series going more down the shounen adventure or action-y route. Dramatically I enjoy it still to enough of a degree, but its, I agree, particularly, aesthetically declined notably aswell.
    I’ll complete it (the anime) and enjoy the bits I enjoy but its not a manga I’ll jump onto afterwards.

  3. I disliked this arc. Tonari’s actions just don’t make sense. If some J Random Stranger tells you to entrap some other J Random Stranger, your reaction is gonna be “Sure, why not” ? Also, why didn’t Tonari just leg it when she was ashore?

  4. How do you know the series won’t improve later on? I keep hearing this series is great so maybe things will pick up later.

    1. To be fair, the masses think most shounen action series are great, and this could be one of them. Either that or the animators completely botched the adaptation. I only liked Episode 1 and the second part of the Gugu arc. Although Pioran was my favourite character by far, I can’t say I actually enjoyed the March arc.

    2. I’ll tell you what. Once I get around to watching the last five episodes, if they exceed my expectations, I’ll hop online and apologize for my lack of trust in Fumetsu’s creative team. If you don’t see a post like that within a couple months, you can safely assume that I found the show’s conclusion to be just as spotty as the rest of its run.

    3. Trust me, it won´t. There will a be a point just before a time skip that makes any character progression completely irrelevant. Dropped the manga just after that.

      1. Given that season 2 has already been announced following the end of season 1 and made it to that point and the time skip you’re referring to, I don’t have the highest hopes for the material they’re going to cover if it’s going to be this underwhelming.

  5. Hayase ruined it for me; She plays too big and convoluted a role post time-skip and purely to serve as a weak plot device only. Plot never does pick up at least as far as I care to follow from the manga. Wasted potential really.

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