OVA Impressions: Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kira – 01

Oh god no, it’s as I feared! This episode was horrible. Studio Deen, for God’s sake why!? Hideki Tachibana is an abysmal director. Why the heck did you put him on one of your most successful and popular series?

Look, an episode that would have shown the cast randomly goofing off is something that I would have understood. Higurashi had episodes like these in the past, and they were a lot of fun to watch. It would have been a pity that there wasn’t going to be a serious story, but at least I would have been able to get behind that. This thing however… I did not expect such a horrible premise for an episode.

This episode was an insult. It wasn’t about the characters having fun. It ENTIRELY consisted out of IMAGINATION. This episode just kept going on and on with Keiichi, Irie, Ooishi and Tomitake imagining the female cast in sexy situations and drooling over it. And it just kept going ON and ON, it’s unbelievable. Imagine that this episode was half an hour long! At a certain point the creators run out of females, and that’s where the episode really loses it and just delves into random gay and slaughter jokes.

Oh, and the new OP and ED are absolutely terrible as well. Did the creators even listen to the OPs that were created for the other Higurash-series?

The most shameless part was Tomitake taking pictures of Rika in his imagination and everyone getting a blood nose out of it. This like, completely misses every single point of Higurashi’s light-hearted episodes.
OVA Episode Rating: 5/10

15 thoughts on “OVA Impressions: Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kira – 01

  1. *sigh* I thought this might happen, but I was hoping it wouldn’t… and then it did.
    Very disappointing.

  2. The whole premise of this OVA … saddens the hell out of me. Seriously, I’m FURIOUS about this! I’m a huge Higurashi fan and can’t believe what they’re doing there! I thought DEEN finally understood after the horribly adapted (but still classic) first season that Higurashi deserves a good treatment – Kai and Rei were really, really nicely adapted. But now … what… why??! I’m disappointed. I’m really, really disappointed! It’s not even like they don’t have any good material left to adapt – there are so many good additional arcs left from the PS2 Visual Novel, the DS Version, even Manga arcs. And what’s with the animation… it looks gorgeous, but WHY do they use it for *fanservice*?? I, I just … I don’t get it. I want more Level 5, DAMN IT! Instead of introducing Natsumi Kimiyoshi, Akasaka’s teenaged daughter in an alternative world or revealing more about the incident in Rena’s old school or show how Shion watched over Satoshi for 2 years … they do fanservice.

    Great, DEEN. Really, really great. At least the next episode of Kira seems to include Satoshi as well as Keiichi, that should be interesting…

  3. “Happy! Lucky! Dochy!”

    Huh. I’m sure Eiko could have just hummed something over the phone and it would still have been better than whatever that is.

  4. Honestly before everyone goes on a blame-fest, you need to check what kind of side-story was this based on. It’s probably the source material not being that good~

    @Shirencel: Natsumi isn’t Akasaka’s daughter… Or did the DS rewrite that as well? Either way it seems nonesensical.
    Have you played the games BTW? It’s just that, some fans like to whine about the first season being poorly adaptated despite never playing the games themselves.
    And Im pretty sure those other two incidents were covered in the other arcs and are two insignificant to base arcs on them. But then again if you played the games you’d know~

  5. @Wandering Bunny: There are some arcs that would work wonderful in animation. The terribly dark Tsukiotoshi-hen, the rather strange and macabre Yoigoshi-hen or Kotohogushi-hen which explores how “Hanyû” came to Onigafuchi and how Rika’s family line began.

    But I understand that this is supposed to be a celebration of Higurashi’s birthday…and celebrations are usually light and cheerful.
    I’m just going to ignore this one as much as I ignore terrible hardcore H-Dôjins…they’re just there to give some satisfaction to fanservice needs.

  6. @chounokoe: Oh.
    I wasn’t attacking though, I just pointed out I don’t understand what it had to do with what you said. (Why would I attack you anyway?)

  7. I’m just glad they put out another Higurashi episode OVA.I thought that was it.No more higurashi.But I was disappointed with this episode.Now that I know Studio DEEN isn’t dead,GET TO WORK ON UMINEKO!I WANT TO SEE A SECOND SEASON!

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