Gosick – 21

Interestingly this was the kind of episode that started off rather dodgy, only to redeem itself as it went on. It’s strange, but as the episode went on I caught myself getting irked at quite a few things, and yet when the episode ended it justified all but one of them.

So let’s just get the one wonky part about this episode out of the way first: I usually really like it when a series tells its story through a play, but this was a rather silly example of this trope. The entire play was silent, only to be narrated by the audience. That… didn’t mesh in the slightest.

Also, as Victorique explained the mystery of the Coco Rose, something really felt missing. The whole story just didn’t match up to the previous arcs. So of course she only told part of the truth as a refusal to cooperate with the ones who tried to use her. It really begs the question as to why her father put so much faith into her, but this was actually a pretty good strategy of her to just break this faith and getting him to lose interest in her. Right now she has found an ally in Kujou, which allowed her to do the thing she previously couldn’t do out of fear of being alone.

The way in which Victorique suddenly announced that Leviathan was the daughter of the queen was completely random, made no sense and only made the Leviathan story less interesting, so I’m glad too that that was a lie. My guess is that somewhere, she read that the queen had a servant who looked just like her, and with that she was able to piece everything together as soon as she found out about the baby she had. The way in which they just “bumped” into the real queen at the end was… convenient to say the least, but it was a great way to close off this arc and fill up the gaps.

The Coco Rose still isn’t the most interesting arc of Gosick, but it still turned out to be much better than expected. With three episodes left, the finale will probably start next episode. I originally thought that the final arc would just flow out of the Coco Rose arc, but instead this episode left us with a really bored main villain and the main characters returning home.

Instead we’ll be getting a short final arc of only three episodes. It’s here where the creators of the anime need to show what they’re worth: short finals are either awesome or really rushed.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

8 thoughts on “Gosick – 21

  1. The way in which Victorique suddenly announced that Leviathan was the daughter of the queen was completely random,

    Were you trying to say that Leviathan “had a son” with the Queen?

  2. I think you need to watch the episode again, as i think you have misheard a few lines.

    I was also annoyed to no end with the play being narrated by “cecilie” or whatever her name is. Through the entire part i was like “STFU FOR CHRISTS SAKE! ARRGHGHGH!”. Well, thats japan for you, they have a knack for saying what is happening on screen.

    Also, dont you have an opinion over the fact that their are TWO Bryan Roscoe’s?

  3. “The way in which Victorique suddenly announced that Leviathan was the daughter of the queen was completely random, made no sense and only made the Leviathan story less interesting, so I’m glad too that that was a lie.”

    Wait… what?

    She never said anything about leviathan being the “daughter” of the queen…

    The queen and leviathan had an affair and ended up having a kid, thats the story she told her fathers men.

  4. at the end, was brian roscoe with a TWIN BROTHER, or was it just a illusion? I could say that, ’til now, he’s the biggest mistery to this show… you can’t say he uses magic in all of his actions, but there are somethings about him that you just can’t explain…

  5. “The way in which Victorique suddenly announced that Leviathan was the daughter of the queen was completely random, made no sense and only made the Leviathan story less interesting, so I’m glad too that that was a lie.”

    Yet another gap in understanding. The queen and Leviathan had a son – Leviathan was not the “daughter” of the Queen. There were actually a lot of hints leading up to that, including the note left in the grave.

    I loved this episode. Victorique pieced everything together in a perfectly logical way.

  6. Just the screenshots from this episode make me want to watch this show… I couldn’t make it past the first episode.

  7. well that brian was actually 2 persons was kinda obv, just look back in the episodes and see where he suddenly apeared to “warp” to different locations. so it was not really suprising, i was just wondering when it would be revealed

  8. Common stage magicians ploy, he doesnt dissapear from being wrapped in chains and locked in a box, his brother steps onto the stage.

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