Steins;Gate – 05

In this episode: the clear hint that the main characters aren’t what they seem. Makise Kurisu apparently did something to Suzyha Amane but this was somewhere in the future so she didn’t actually do that yet. In other words this episode was foreshadowing things that are about to happen. The interesting thing is that we were promised an dimensional time conspiracy thriller, and here this series is going “screw that for now, first I want to set everything up correctly!”

Now, the people of Cern are a bunch of idiots for storing reports that could cause a public outrage… on an unencrypted mail server. I mean, all you need is one hacker who is crazy enough to try and break into a world famous organization (which, let’s face it, is very likely to happen), and you’re screwed. It’s a good thing that Okarin is such a proud idiot that he refuses to let anyone else in on his discoveries. At the same time though, the way in which this show keeps talking about them but never shows who they actually are is definitely good for the mystery in this show.

Mayuri meanwhile… got on my nerves in this episode. It’s both that her voice actress is very monotonously ditzy, as well as how she hasn’t really been useful, has she? Amongst Makise and Okarin’s banter, and the knowledge of the other characters, she feels out of place. All she has is this sad past and all, but so far the plot would be exactly the same if she was simply removed. I hope that the creators are building her up for something other than just a damsel in distress.
Rating: * (Good)

13 thoughts on “Steins;Gate – 05

  1. Just had to google ionocraft and Kerr black hole, to my surprise they are both part of time travel theories. I just love the research put into this show, fuck the flux capacitor!

  2. I love this show, it is now my favorite of the season

    The craziness of the characters is perfect for this kind of plot… But like you, I find Mayuri extremely annoying and useless… Why is she even on the show? At least Makise makes up for it

  3. Nitro+’s MO for sci-fi series is to base their stories in reality and then push those theories or concepts into actuality through something crazy ex: phone microwave. Chaos;Head did this too but the rush job it got completely ruined everything, such a good VN too. Nitro+ made an epic story, just up to White Fox to deliver it unharmed.

    And all it takes is for one person in SERN to get lazy and not clean out their email for leaks like that to happen. Besides, maybe it’s an elaborate plot by SERN to get Gadget Lab to pick up where they failed. dun-dun-DUNNN

  4. Uhmmm o yeah, only one thing about Mayuri, wait uhmmm I think four or five episodes more and you will see why she is importan in the show. Steins Gait. rooks.

  5. Actually, I got the impression that unless you had the password or that old computer you couldn’t hack Sern, weren’t they talking about how the computer had the special coding that no one else had needed to hack it?

  6. Where’d you get the idea that Kurise is going to do something to Amane in the future? Is that a spoiler from the VN?! I was actually thinking that the reason Amane got angry may be cause of something Kurise’s dad did that Kurise doesn’t know about yet.

    Something that also confused me after watching the episode was the math behind human bodies turning into jelly. Cramming 10^-21 grams into 10^-19 cubic meters isn’t going to be tight at all… That’s the same as cramming 0.01g in 1 cubic meter, right? After checking on google, the human body density is supposed to be 10^6 g/cubic meter so even if the creators reversed the numbers it doesn’t really make sense.

  7. I got the impression that you needed the old and almost extinct computer to hack it. The odds of someone who has that hacking into SERN are pretty slim, from my impression.

    And Mayuri better do something before I get annoyed. She’s only good for her “Okarin! Doo-Da-doo!” chant

  8. Steins;Gate will get 24 episodes? Can someone confirm this? This would be great since it needs the time to properly flesh out its characters and settings. I’m looking at you Chaos;Head. Source: Wikipedia (here’s hoping).

  9. This is shaping up to be one of my favorite shows of the season, and a nice way to wash out the taste of mindless fanservice that I’m obligated to follow out of sheer masochism.

  10. I mean, all you need is one hacker who is crazy enough to try and break into a world famous organization (which, let’s face it, is very likely to happen), and you’re screwed.

    Huh. Wikileaks?

  11. there was one thing that caught my attention this episode… “yuman izu de-do, misumacchi”(human is dead, mismatch)
    I mean, its ok for the other characters to speak like that and all, but shouldnt makise have a better accent? or if you really couldnt find any seyuu that can do it, just dont make her read anything english. lol

  12. “Now, the people of Cern are a bunch of idiots for storing reports that could cause a public outrage… on an unencrypted mail server.”

    It is not as if it can’t happened in reality.

    Do you still remember the ‘Climategate’ controversy?

    Hackers broke into the computer system of the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit, one of the research centres that constructs various global temperature and precipitation analyses.

    Thousands of emails and computer files were copied from CRU’s servers and transmitted to many locations throughout the Internet.

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