Hana-Saku Iroha – 04

This remains annoying: the transfer student introduces him or herself to a classroom and the first thing that every single guy does is annoyingly talk about the cutest girl in school who of course happens to be one of the important characters. It has really gotten old ages ago, and yet anime just keeps pulling it. I mean, I have nothing against there being the cutest girl in school and all, but whenever she’s around, every single guy in school just gets reduced to this annoying fanboy who does nothing other than secretly stalk admire her. Nothing else! It’s a good thing that this show doesn’t have a male lead because that would really have been terrible (you know, the main character being the only one oblivious to her charms and all…).

In any case, this episode showed the introduction of the main character to the local school, so it wasn’t as good as the first two episodes because it dealt with a lot of introductions and stuff that unfortunately appears in a lot of other series. In terms of setting up things, it did its job well though. we’ve got a nice romance around Minko, Ohana’s feelings about her “boyfriend” get developed a bit and Nako also got a bit of her past revealed. It’s definitely not a wasted episode.

The most important thing though: after the previous episode, my biggest fear was that this show would abandon the first two episodes and continue on with these silly stories onward. Thankfully that didn’t turn out to be the case. In that case it was good for a bit of variety.
Rating: * (Good)

8 thoughts on “Hana-Saku Iroha – 04

  1. Yes to the last paragraph. I’m hoping that this show is just goofing off sort of like Birdy or something similar, and that it will delve into the real meat of the story later. It started off so well..

  2. Introduction of the “school for demons” in Ao no Exorcist was not so annoying, I presume?
    This is how a typical schoolgirl sees the boys around her: “annoying fanboys”, this is as realistic and believable as it gets.

  3. Although it wasn’t as disappointing as episode 3, this week’s episode was completely average. Nowhere near episode 1. With 22 left, I think we’re in for a lot of mindless little arcs.

    Lucky us for having Anohana, a meaningful slice-of-life.


    Seriously though, the episode had some transfer student cliches, but it doesn’t take much from it. It was still much fun to see Ohana being a ditz that she is, and the nerves that she gets when the word “boyfriend” is mentioned.

    I don’t feel sorry for Minko at all, and she should really stop calling Ohana a duck embryo because it does not work obviously.

  5. I thought it was a palatable, if not entirely great episode. I’ve certainly seen far worse.
    But still, I expected a bit more than being told right away “Hey, there’s drama here! Expect drama!”

  6. Not a bad episode per se, but I fear that this anime may turn into another one of those slice of life/comedies with a bit of drama. It’s looking to be less True Tear-ish and more Toradora-ish as the episodes go on, which personally I am disappointed with as the first two episodes were fantastic.

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