Ao no Exorcist – 02

Yeah, if there was any doubt left after the first episode, this episode took all of that away: this really is the shounen epic of the season. Whereas the previous prime time series (Star Driver and Sengoku Basara) tried to combine action with another genre (medieval politics and mystery/character study respectively), this is pretty much an all out action series about a boy who happens to be Satan’s Son. It really is the classic shounen formula, but it remains a very good rendition of it.

The set-up is not the best of this season by a long shot, but the execution and characters make up for it really well. This episode was an action-packed thrill ride, but the animation and art got really creepy near the end. The priest getting possessed by Satan was the highlight of the episode, but the other action scenes also kicked ass.

So far, the lead character is your typical shounen protagonist, but he has both his good points and his bad points. He can get rather annoying when he just stands there yelling, but whenever he isn’t he’s quite level headed and I liked how bluntly he just said that he’d become an Exorcist. In any case he still has enough room to grow. The side characters so far are diverse and interesting as well. The villains meanwhile do a good job of being a threat, although they are rather stereotypical, but let’s see where this series goes with them.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

12 thoughts on “Ao no Exorcist – 02

  1. This episode was so much better than the first! The action scenes were truly awesome and so was the animation. The only thing I really don’t like: the main character. He just annoys me -_-‘

  2. And I thought you wouldn’t blog this… I thought episode 1 was pretty good actually. It shows the protagonist had his own personality instead of copypasted from other shounen series.

  3. Good episode. This show is showing a lot of promise, hopefully it handles the fillers more carefully on the next episodes. The direction on this one was a little choppy compared to the first episode.

    Rin is going to be the reason why this shows stands out as a shounen series.

  4. I was just wondering what the hell was with those priests’ attacks? Transmutation circles and summoning “goddesses”? They might as well have been calling for the aid of Shiva or Buddha. It was fine when they were using holy water and chants, but these were the antithesis of anything Christian. And this is coming from an atheist.

  5. @tomato: Remember that exorcism isn’t limited to Christian exorcists. Buddhists and shamans exorcise spirits too. I guess it’s a mix of all these things.

    I loled at the comment about Hogwarts ending. I do hope the anime continues to pull through. Frankly, I am disappointed at the school idea because the characters and setting felt flat for me.

  6. Interesting, the Manga couldn’t fascinate me at all, mainly because of the drawings. The story keeps getting interesting and I hope, that it won’t be yet another ordinary shonen show a la Bleach or Naruto. At least the animation quality is pretty good.

    Before anybody jumps on my throat again, I don’t want to argue with anybody about the Manga drawings, they are not great, period. A few city buildings look stunning and that’s it.

    Just yesterday I started reading 7 Billion Needles, God, that art style blew my brains out, that’s how every Manga should look like. Nearly fotorealistc backgrounds. What a pity that series like that never get an Anime.

  7. @ Tomato & Tan-Tan: I though the same too. this is how i figure it, almost like the show “Supernatural TV series” with Dean and Sam. when battling evil, eventually you’ll end up using what works. like they too a note from other exorcism methods just to stay alive. to me, that shows how series the situation is. if you wanna win and stay alive, its best to pick up new skills.

  8. Ah, come on, I know you hate angst, but if the main character didn’t angst in this episode, then something would be wrong. I mean a lot and a ton of bad things happened to him in such a short time, I think this should get a pass in your angst-o-meter.

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