Supernatural The Animation – 15

Whoa, it’s now really time for the main storyline! And holy crap, talk about being brutal. This episode pulled some pretty nasty stuff on the main characters. This was quite an intense episode especially considering all of the developments that were made on the characters.

Throughout this entire episode, you could see hints that would usually point at a character being about to die (Sam and Dean’s father in this case), and yet he ended up surviving this episode, building even further upon the point that Sam made that killing father was not worth killing the demon. At the same time though, I do wonder why that demon took his time on trying to get that Colt. I mean, even if he didn’t want Sam to die, you’d think that he’d be easily able to just kick Sam and forcibly take the colt from him, seeing as it’s the only weapon that can kill him and all.

By the way, is introducing your girlfriend to your parents such a big deal in America? As in, is that an immediate sign of marriage? Isn’t that a bit extreme here? That twist in which the demon killed Jessica just as she planned that, does add a bit of cheese, but this episode had enough other stuff to make up for it. There was quite a bit of character development in this episode and considering how there still are quite a number of episodes left we’re in something really good here.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

4 thoughts on “Supernatural The Animation – 15

  1. Girlfriends and parents: kinda, actually, especially when you don’t live too close to them, and especially when you’re an adult.

    Not a 100% rule and doesn’t mean “we’re getting married soon” but it can mean the relationship is now serious/official/potential-for-marriage, as opposed to just having fun or casual. It’s more so when it is the girl wanting the guy to meet her parents, as it’s implicitly “I want to see if they’d approve of you as husband.”

    Makes sense when you assume most American adults don’t often do much socially with family outside of holiday gatherings and birthdays.

  2. I’m french and me neither I never understood why this “meet my parents” thing was a so big deal for everybody … That is, until I went to USA myself and dated an american girl… And Yeah, it’s a pretty intimidating moment especially the first time you go thru this…

  3. The parental dynamic really changes between their child being in High school (or lower) and their child being an adult. I know my boyfriends were always terrified when I would want them to meet my parents, but that was because my dad was Army and scary looking. Back then though, it was just nerves that were a big deal. Now that I’m older, if I were to want someone to meet my parents, it wouldn’t be because we were simply hanging out in school together. That’s why it would be a bigger deal, because you’re seeing someone you don’t have to see because of mandatory education. XD

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