Tiger & Bunny – 03

Three episodes in and I must say that this series is making good use of its time. The past two episodes have put some good effort into developing the dynamics between the two lead characters and didn’t make them as cliched as they could have been. The previous episode was meant to set everything up, while in this episode they’re already changing. This holds great potential for the rest of this series.

The same goes for the setting: instead of doing random crimes each week, the creators make sure to make all of them count. The monsters and villains perhaps aren’t the most complex, but they each do their job of focusing on a different part of the setting. In this episode it was the boundaries of film crews, and how far people can go to capture exciting footage. I loved the twinkle in that director’s eye when she saw this opportunity to film two heroes diffusing a bomb in their spare time

As for the CG in this series, it’s obvious that the creators did not put in effort to make them blend in with the rest of the animation, but at least the creators are consistent: characters drawn in 2D area always in 2D, and 3D always remains in 3D. This is better than having animators randomly switch to 3D models that suddenly look completely different. Plus, the rest of the animation has quite a bit of movement in it, so for now I’m not too bothered by it. I’ve definitely seen worse.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

8 thoughts on “Tiger & Bunny – 03

  1. Hey… someone could suggest series that follow the same genre of this Tiger and bunny? I’m enjoying it….

  2. The show needs to introduce some overall plot soon though. It’s going a fine job fleshing out the main duo, but at this point there is no goal.

  3. The ouroboros stuff is foreshadowing for whatever the major plot will be. I suspect some of the criminals of the week will actually be tied to that as well. It’s almost certainly the case that a bomber didn’t just happen to try to blow up that new building while there were two heroes and a camera crew making an appearance.

  4. this is being quite a season!

    I don’t see any problem with the CG, it’s not rough around the edges, or unblending like blassreiter and others…

    and specially it’s moviment is very good…

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