Letter Bee – 44

An episode full of morals. Really, this episode was all about the fact that the Reverse have a very justifiable cause and that the Letter Bees, despite their jobs, work for an organization that does a ton of terrible stuff. Especially Zazie was excellent in this episode and I like how professional he was.

It’s a bit of a shame that Jeel got shot before anything could get resolved, though. It would have been really interesting to see him continue on with the story here. In exchange though, we got the first hints to Lag’s mother since… episode two of the first season? What’s interesting is how Lawrence knows all those things. I mean, based on his scars, he also seems to be one of those people who got experimented upon, yet he did an awful lot of stuff for someone who lost his memories. In any case, he’s special in some way.

My main issue with the past few episodes is that its sense of location is a bit rushed here and there. Making up an original story is much harder than just following a manga, and this really shows itself in the way that sometimes, small scenes seem missing. Like the point where the Cabernet dies: the creators could have shown a small scene of Noir and the others running away. Or when Lag and the others fall down a cliff, and suddenly Valentine appears from out of nowhere with a horse carriage… on a beach. It would have been nice to show where they all came from.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

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