7 New OVA To Be Released on August 1st Preview

I was fairly surprised when I ran into these ones while preparing for the July-Summary. Another surprising fact is that nobody seems to be talking about them. Well, time to change this, I just had to post it. Every single one of these OVA has a unique art style, and every one of them will probably have a very dark mood.

Maihime OVA

No, it’s not what you think. It’s not Mai HiME, it’s Maihime, or Dancer Girl. It’ll probably focus on the love of a dancer girl, judging by the art and the fact that AnimeNfo labeled it as a love-romance. Here you can see some teaser screenshots, and I have to say that I like them.

Neko Machi

There’s absolutely no information about this one, except for some japanese writing I don’t understand. Still, this looks to be one creepy OVA about cats. If you take a look at the teaser screenshots here you can also see that the art will be rather dark, strange, and probably unique. I like that. AnimeNfo labeled it as a fantasy-horror.

Zakuro Yashiki La Grenadiere

A french novelist called Balzac wrote the story for this one in the book “La Grenadiere”. It’s about a woman and a child who live in a small cottage in 19th century france. Supposedly, the woman was labeled as a mystery, as she didn’t get out of the house too often. AnimeNfo labeled this as a novel, which doesn’t really give much information about the genre, though I think it’ll be some dark slice-of-life story. Here are some teaser screenshots, and they look gorgeous.

Yo Shomei Bijutsukan LINE

This’ll be a rather unique anime. It’s about art. It’s art style is extremely simple, like an old picture-book. AnimeNfo didn’t assign any genres to it, though the teaser-screenshots, which can be found here give us more clues about the nature of this OVA. It’ll be simple, it’ll be art. Will it be good?

Gendai Kibunroku Kaii Monogatari

This’ll be a definate horror OVA. It consists of six parts.
1. At a dry river bed a refrigerator associated with a terrible anecdote, “Refrigerator.”
2.A one room western-style house, above a carved table an objects stands out like a sore thumb. It was an accidental discovery to a College of Arts student’s terror. “Daruma.”
3. On a long bridge while boys are traveling, they encounter a ghost personally, “Bridge of Evening.”
4.I n a free shopping market a sarcastic man is guided to the otherside, “U.S. Military Sale.”
5. The railway crossing; continual mortal accidents are a puzzle being persued, “Railroad Crossing.”
6. Summer vacation at a tranquil countryside, boys personally experiance a miraculous event, “I want a friend.”

These descriptions don’t really sound that scary, but who knows. Here are the teaser-screenshots, and I´m wondering how these descriptions and these screenshots are linked.

Fantascope Tylostoma

This is a strange one. We have this man, who appears every 700 years. Because of this, he’s able to see once flourishing villages decay into oblivion. Then he meets a woman, a prostitute, from this period, the passion begins. Most likely, this will be a love story. Though the most remarkable feature of this OVA is the art. Everything is in sketchbook-style. Here are some teaser screenshots.


This anime will be making use of 3D-animation techniques, though not the standard way. Here are some teaser screenshots which show this. The show is going to be a school-life anime. Fairly unique among the other OVA’s listed here. It’s about a painter, painting a schoolgirl, and giving this schoolgirl her own story.

0 thoughts on “7 New OVA To Be Released on August 1st Preview

  1. Every single one of these leaps out at me. Thanks for highlighting them, because my interest in upcoming anime has now multiplied eightfold.

  2. Wow, these certainly look very interesting. And HOT DAMN, YOSHITAKA AMANO!! I’m SO counting the days ’till Fantascope is released!

  3. Balzac?That sure brings back memories,I think I readed the whole Human Comedy in high school,La Grenadiere was one of these novels.
    For your concern Balzac is the father of realism in litterature and from what I remember La Grenadiere is about an adultery woman about to die running to the countryside with her children.Anyway it’s the kind lf story who looks really difficult to be put in an anime since it is typically a story where nothing is explained,it’s all about description,small brides of reports between human…etc Still I’m quite curious about it,anyway the artistic choice is very good.
    But I don’t know why each time they make an anime about France they have to distroy the whole social system and replace it with some kind of japanese fantasy,it was already the case for Lady Oscar,now Chevalier…I think this must be the flaws of their education system…
    Also it’s not because they’ll look good and unique that these anime will be good,I remember Gankutsou who was an Gonzo adaptation of Le Comte de Monte Christo by Dumas who even if i had a good visual style completly buthered the original book.

  4. I’m definitely interested in watching “Gendai Kibunroku Kaii Monogatari” as well as “Fantascope Tylostoma.” Thanks for posting these upcoming OVAs. 🙂

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