The Third – 09 – Paife

The Third really continues the awesome path it set before. It especially managed to deliver during its climaxes, when it really needs to. The rest of the time, it spends building up. While this building up may seem a bit boring when you see it, the effect it gets is awesome.

In short, the woman from the previous episode indeed has an important role in the anime. Her name is Paife, and she’s sent to spy on Honoka by the same company that hired her. For some reason, Paife acts totally different near Honoka than the way she acts normally. I guess she’s probably fascinated by her. That’s shown in the previous episode, when her strange hypnotization technique doesn’t work, and this episode, when Paife really gets astonished by Honoka’s fighting ability.

Interesting points:
– Paife has heard of Ikus. (I’m still calling him Ikus, by the way. I like that more than Iks)
– Ikus has something to do with the warped space. He either caused it, or he tried to prevent it.
– Honoka really has put her mind on Ikus ever since he left. She was very glad when she saw him again.
– The Third are planning to blast the warped space with something called the Wormhole Driver. It’s something that the Great War left them, though they never had to put it to use.
– We still have no idea what the “Great War” is (that, or I simply forgot), though it seems it was pretty significant for the story.
– Honoka’s extremely tolerant to people she trusts. That becomes clear when she sees that Paife’s an ordinary murderer.
– In this world, people are known to transform into monsters. Why this happens and what it’s got to do with the Great War still remains unclear.
– Honoka’s too nice, when the managed to give Joey an opportunity to study further. He was really happy when he found out. ^^
– The music really was amazing in this episode. It really accentuated the climaxes.
– There are a lot of things unclear about the cult, though they seem important to the story in some way. And what were they doing near the warped space?
– What’s Gravestone?
– Honoka was shocked after the mutant guy was killed. NOT after she saw Ikus. That happened afterwards.

Overall, The Third was amazing, it is amazing, and hopefully, it’ll continue to be amazing. So far, all signs point to yes.

Memorable moment: Paife killing off every person Honoka knocked out, while Honoka watches her.

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