High School of the Dead – 11

I was expecting the worst here. I mean, at the end of the previous episode, the way that that demented teacher knocked on the door was like saying “Hello, I’m your endboss. May I come in?”

Thankfully though, this episode fully acknowledged that he was a disaster, and instead of the earlier episodes the creators chose a very restrained way for his story: we get a bit of his history, then we get to see what he did to Rei, then we get a confrontation and after that he’s simply kicked out. I really did not expect this kind of subtlety from a show that markets itself with zombies and boobs.

There were some parts I didn’t like, like at the start of the episode in which those adults refuse to cooperate (but then again, I also don’t understand the hordes of people who demonstrate for the most moronic reasons), but overall I like this change of pace. I already said that this series sets itself apart with its atmosphere, and there was this strange melancholy during that scene in which all those nuclear bombs were launched that I really liked.

At the same time, I like how the creators chose the climax of this series to revolve around rescuing the loved ones of Rei and Komuro. It’s down to earth, yet it’s bound to be exciting, there’s going to be an interesting deadline that the creators can use. The thing with this series is that its action may not be as good as Sengoku Basara, nor is its premise really refined or original not to mention the pointless fanservice, but it is much better balanced and varied than the other major action title of this season.

Edit: a small correction here: I just discovered that High School of the Dead will just be twelve episodes long. So yeah, it’s going to end next week, which makes it quite a strange choice for a semi-final episode.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

9 thoughts on “High School of the Dead – 11

  1. Umm, what? It will end, NAO? Great, so the world will end, too? Man, I really hope for more zombie action in a 2nd season.

  2. Yeah, its kinda strange…

    Its like serious author got stuck up with non-serious author…(I mean, seriously, he could have chosen another author than hentai author…)

  3. It would be interesting when the series would end with a global apocalypse, just how many shows don’t give any hope at the end?

    But I also agree that it’s rushed and I want to try the manga. If manga had all the good parts of the anime – mostly plot and dramatic setting – without useless fanservice, it would be pretty decent. I’m still impressed by the scene when Komuro shoots from Rei’s chest, but creators of the anime decided to go with boobs and panties there, killing all the beauty of it.

  4. @dragonee
    Manga is better than anime in many different ways, but you should now that manga is drawn by hentai artist, so… 😀

    As for the last episode – the anime follows manga pretty close, plus there will be an OVA. I’m pretty sure they’ll do the 2nd season later

  5. manga is way better than the anime. (asami, huhu.) i wish they just followed the manga for the storyline.

    im thinking that this one might have the finale at the mall and will have a 2nd season.

  6. I don’t really agree with @Mukizu or @Kyuzo about the manga being better. The manga’s zombies do feel more dangerous than the anime’s (more tension) and integrates the side characters better (the sniper gets a whole extra chapter to justify why she’s in the story at all) but it tends to let the characters run their mouths too much…

    If anything, I wish the anime had cut MORE from the manga and built a cohesive, self contained story based on the best parts of the source material.

    Great episode though!

  7. there is going to be a second sesson i know it

    anyway the reason the aouthor has a hentai artist is because said artist is his brother

    but yeah they skipped some things (yet they put a recapp in what the hell)

  8. It’s ending pretty much where I thought it will end ever since they said it’ll be only one season long. They really don’t have much of a choice but to end it here. There is only enough material for another five or six episodes, tops, with the manga ongoing and all.

    Overall I’m quite happy with the anime adaptation. Looking forward to another season, probably in 2012 or so 😀

  9. even though the anime will end at episode 12,season 2 will definitely will come since the manga got more to it than that end.

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