Katanagatari – 09

During my past entries, I may have been a bit negative about this series, but don’t get me wrong here: I like this series. I just have no idea what to write about it. I know it’s a bit of a paradox with a series with so much dialogue, but usually I have no problems writing down three paragraphs per entry, and yet for Katanagatari I’m usually struggling to get there. BUT NOT THIS TIME, MUAHAHA!

I liked this episode more than usual, strangely enough. Even though it was just another “sword of the week” that was obviously building up to those final three episodes, the fight in this episode was probably the easiest fight so far, and the sword’s story was also the simplest one so far. At times like this I just don’t understand this series’ effect on me.

My guess would be that we finally saw Togame and Shichika kiss each other, and there was more romantic tension between them than ever: not just in their words, but most importantly in their acts. It was cliche, dammit, but the direction made up for it because of how hilarious those scenes were, especially with Shichika trying to stand in a proper kendo stance.

One of the other reasons I’ve liked this show so far was simply because I like martial arts. Practicing karate myself, I’m really interested in those topics, and Katanagatari proved to be quite an interesting tour of weapons and fighting styles. This show analyzes them, talks about and shows their strengths and weaknesses, and creates interesting battles around them. I like that, though there is one beef I have with the way this series treats its characters like mathematical functions: everything is reduced to simple rules and tactics, both in terms of the body and the minds of the characters, with luck and characters’ whimsical feelings reduced to absolutely nothing, even though in real fights these play huge roles as well.

It isn’t a 100% bad thing, though, as it is refreshing to see another series within this perspective. Especially since that last rule is popular to abuse within anime in order to come up with reasons to let the lead character win.

Oh, and I applaud the animators of this episode: there were some neat shots and scenes with interesting animation, there were some very neat camera angles and I hardly spotted any weaknesses other than some still frames in this episode.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

9 thoughts on “Katanagatari – 09

  1. Well, seems that things are going in the direction of a nice finale. The sub is not up yet, but from the review it seems to be a good episode. I’m glad you didn’t droped this, thank you so much 🙂

    Any idea if this is going for 13 or 12 episodes?

  2. Woah, that preview, it’s very spoilerific (as it should be expected since it’s 3 previews for the next 3 episodes (will they come out together? Will it be a huge movie sized episode? anyone has some info?)) but it really got me pumped up for what’s coming next.

  3. I don’t think they’ll come out together. While I can’t read Japanese. I can read numbers and I saw 10, 11, and 12. I assume those are the months. 🙂

  4. Yes indeed they will come out in their respective months. Publishing studio has been doing big trailers like this one for every three episodes.

    It’s funny that you mention that feelings of characters play no role since this battle was obviously carried out on Zanki’s obsession with Shogi. 😀

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