OVA Impressions: Tamayura

To be honest, Tamayura turned out to be a bit disappointing. First of all because it’s just fifteen minutes long, and second of all because it’s not really like Aria, but more like K-On with photographing instead of music. So yeah, if you’re interested in K-On but find it too long then this OVA might be something for you.

The OVA tells the story about a bunch of girls who are living in a small city. Due to the short length, the lead character is pretty much the only one who isn’t a stereotype and gets some attention. She’s a bit annoying with her antics, but she is decently portrayed when the focus turns to her photography hobby.

The problem is that this show uses a few too many unnecessary cliches. The lead character has a dead father, without any point to it, she is of the klutzy type that seems to be really popular nowadays for some reason and this is another one of those series that reduces cats to weird moe blobs. I have no idea why anime really wants to do that, seriously? Real cats are much more awesome than that.

Oh, and there is also one particular character who has a specific character trait that has the potential to evolve into a horrible, horrible moe cliche on its own. At this point she is completely original, but I cringe at the thought of what would happen when moe series in the future take over the idea and include a character whose only method of communication IS FREAKING WHISTLING!

Overall… this OVA wasn’t really worth it. Its premise is too run of the mill, and it had too little to make up for its flaws. The voice actresses seem to be trying too hard most of the time, which doesn’t really help to remove them from their own stereotypes. I hate to say this, but this is one of the worst things I’ve seen from Sato Junichi.
OVA Episode Rating: 6,75/10

7 thoughts on “OVA Impressions: Tamayura

  1. It’s like I’m watching K-ON… except instead of drums and guitars, we have cameras.

    The moe+slice-of-life formula is truly taking over.

  2. Chen: never noticed how 50% of all anime characters don’t seem to have two parents? If it’s necessary for the story, then okay, but too often you see creators kill off parents just for some cheap sympathy.

  3. No, you are wrong. That cat was awesome. That was easily one of the most gangster cats I’ve seen in a long time.

    Is the cat a tamayura??

  4. I have nothing against your opinions, psgels, but I do feel you were a tad too harsh on this little anime. I watched this like three times and I really liked it. It’s definitely relaxing, the soundtrack is cute, I loved Fuu (and the cat), and I didn’t mind the short length. So yeah there wasn’t much to go on in this first episode, but it’s ONLY the first episode. There’s four of them so maybe the next episode will be better than the first! You never know what’ll happen!

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