An adorable episode to close off the first half of this series. Nothing really major happens, though we get to see more about one of the members of the fashion club, which is always nice. It’s a simple story about a shy girl who has trouble talking to the person she looks up to, but quite effective.
The battles in the meantime are getting a bit boring at this point though. It’s clear that at this point the creators still are very much building Itsuki’s role into the team, but the battles have now a bit degenerated in to the Precures spamming attacks until the other side either goes down or teleports away. In her first few episodes you could really see Itsuki using her martial arts background into the fight, but this episode this wasn’t really apparent. Kumojacky in the meantime feels like he attained a new ultimate technique for the umpth time.
Instead this episode was all about Naomi and the rest of the gasshuku. Not a lot to say, but still really charming.
Rating: * (Good)
I think you forgot talking about Sasorina. I’m a bit curious about what will happen to her from now on and what it says about their nature.
Like you said psgels,the fight in this episode is a bit bland and Sunshine’s shield is making Blossom and Marine seems like common infantry compared to her.I feel a bit bad picking on fights in a show aimed towards really young girls but I just want my awesome precure fights ^_^; And yes,what happened to Sasorina was quite interesting.Maybe she’ll get a power up/down soon..