Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu – 06

“Oh, you guys are fighting a lot, so you must be very close to each other”. …Well… so it turned out to be this series to drop this bomb. I guess it had it coming and all, but seriously: was it really necessary to reduce the chemistry between Ferris and Raina to a stupid cliche like that?

I have more problems with the creators actually using such a cheesy line than with Raina and Ferris themselves though. I mean, that line sucks because it suggests that a girl seemingly hates you is actually secretly in love with you. Sure, with enough development you can make this work, but there are too many tsunderes who only reaffirm how incredibly shallow their personalities are.

With Ferris and Raina this is different, though: none of them really are tsunderes; they’re just acting and they both know it. From the first minute they met, they have been constantly trying to playfully piss each other off. They simply grew into two good friends… and yeah. If romance develops from that it’s going to be a bit annoying, but at least plausible.

Anyway, the rest of this episode continued to develop Miran as a bit of a villain. Nothing really special, though the fight scene was pretty nice. It’s just a bit of a shame that the character-designs are rather generic here (either that, or I just don’t like Zecxs’ style of character-designs…), but it’s nothing major. This was a building up episode after all.
Rating: (Enjoyable)

13 thoughts on “Densetsu no Yuusha no Densetsu – 06

  1. Hmm I liked this episode! I seem to enjoy it more when Sion takes the center stage and his subordinates clash on personality and interests, mainly regarding that new creepy guy. It’s still fun to watch Ferris and Ryner, though I’m certainly not interested in them as a couple. Lots of ppl on MAL seem to want them to develop more like that and love the “Oh, you guys are fighting a lot, so you must be very close to each other” line. XD

  2. It’s funny, the two of them even play off that idea to scare off Miran, shows that they’ve developed a bit of trust in each other too.

  3. I’ve always gotten that phrase (“Oh, you guys are fighting a lot, so you must be very close to each other”) in anime as a joke. But here it seems they really mean it.

    It kind of strikes a chord in me, because I had a relationship like that (and someone even paraphrased the “you must be close” line to me) and it ended with a really big fight and we never talked to each other again. So yeah, maybe it doesn’t really work in reality like that…

  4. Also, I didn’t get it in this episode, did Sion really order the good prince to be murdered, or was Miran acting on his own?

    Also, what was up with all that flashing of the ring. Foreshadowing? Or is Miran brainwashing Sion or something with it?

  5. The flashing was just some very obvious foreshadowing (a la “Pay attention to this ring; it has power and will play an important role later).

    Sion, for his part, is starting to become a bit more ruthless, not only accepting Miran but having him outright “take care of” the plotting nobles and their helpers with Prince Stanaru. I thought the scene where Sion snuck out to join them was also quite cute, but clearly an act, albeit one with more earnest overtones.

    The “getting along together” didn’t strike me as anything terrible, though. Raina, fresh out of jail and doubtless skeptical of the king’s intentions, isn’t dropping his act just yet, nor is Ferris, who lives in the shadow of her brother (as does Sion himself).

    It seems pretty clear during Sion’s conversation with Miran later on (“Do you really intend for me to take over the continent?” “Mmhmm.” “K then.”), in addition to his comments later on (“In doing this [ordering the good Prince’s disposal], I threatened Raina’s life… no, it can’t be! I wouldn’t make such a blunder!”).

    Very intriguing. It seems Sion’s getting a bit… uh, misguided.

  6. I still don’t get why he ordered the good prince to be killed though.

    The bad prince was exposed (that’s what I gathered from the line that the king should decide his punishment, right?), so naturally the good one would become king next. So he wanted to leave the country without an heir? What would that accomplish?

    If he plans to invade them soon (say in the next few years), heir or no heir wouldn’t matter much…

  7. I interpreted the banter between ferris and reina to have a romantic undertone from the start tbh. The “as if a babe like me would be interested in a sex deprived bum like you” and “I got stuck with you against my will bitch” fonts they put up respectively, have been done before but are still fairly entertaining to watch. Considering the type of show this is, i think there is a good chance they will continue on the same foot for the rest of the series which could get old. The excellent voice acting helps though.

  8. Well, I think Sion take the correct path to conquest thah country, whit no heir, the country will be easy controlled, whit a heir as the good boy, the morale, resistance and etc, are high, Its a big problem to take the country whit this scheme. Its to more far easy the way they make the things, What a creepy king we have here, good and evil at the same time eh. hehehehhe.

  9. I think that Miran trying to kill the good prince was an action that he took on his on, and not on Sion’s orders. He independently decided that if the good prince were to become the king in the future, that it would hinder Miran’s goal of having Sion rule the continent, as a strong country will be harder to be subjugated.
    So when Sion was musing to himself on how Miran and Raina got into a fight, it’s just him thinking about how could he have miscalculated Miran’s actions, as I don’t think he wanted to kill Raina or Ferris.

  10. Oh, and the banter between Raina and Ferris is still very enjoyable. Also, the way they could bluff together so well to deceive Miran, shows how close they’ve become with each other as Raina knew that Ferris wasn’t in any condition to fight anymore, and how Ferris played along with him until Miran retreated.

  11. “I think that Miran trying to kill the good prince was an action that he took on his on, and not on Sion’s orders. He independently decided that if the good prince were to become the king in the future, that it would hinder Miran’s goal of having Sion rule the continent, as a strong country will be harder to be subjugated.”

    But when Miran reported to Sion that “I attacked Toale Nelphi’s residence…”, Sion didn’t seem surprised at all. To me it seems like he ordered Toale to be disposed off, although Miran getting into a fight with Ryner and Ferris wasn’t in his calculations.

  12. Yeah, I kind of expected Sion to be angry, or at least say something like “there is no need for you to do unnecessary things” (in classic anime fashion 😛 ). But he didn’t say anything, so I guess he did order it.

    Actually, at some point, I thought he had orderer Raina and Ferris to guard the good prince, so he could expose Miran’s bad motives. It seems that is not the case.

  13. Actually, I had a brainstorm about the ‘getting along means fighting’ thing. It doesn’t make it any less a cliche, but – Japanese culture is very structured and polite, yes? They pay a LOT of attention to social status, and there’s all sorts of expectations of behavior that revolve around putting everyone else’s needs ahead of your own. So, through their eyes, two people who constantly fight that way, completely ignoring all such restrictions and social mores, are clearly very comfortable with each other – enough to drop all the rest? If one of the two fighting has alot of pent up feelings, through Japanese eyes, that fact that she can let them off on someone so freely might well be a huge statement as to how comfortable she feels about how she stands with that person.

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