Kuroshitsuji II – 03

I tried. I really tried watching the first Kuroshitsuji series, but yet again I only got as far as episode two before it became too much of a chore to watch. Shallow, predictable, annoying, I really don’t want to watch more of it. I know that I don’t have the right to criticize the second season without having fully watched it… but I’m gonna do it anyway. Thanks to that first episode, I’m really willing to give it a chance. This show was advertised as that you could watch it even without having seen the first season, so the creators had better live up to that.

So, as for the most burning question: no, there were no Alois and Claude in this episode either. Again, this episode acted like nothing happened. My guess would be that this series is flashing back without announcing it, or something in that direction. Either that, or that mysterious spider hints that Claude was behind the incident of this episode, which if true would really suck because even for him it would make no sense.

This episode wasn’t as awful as episode two, but it still was pretty unimpressive. It showed another character who seems to be a recurrent one: that red haired guy with a chainsaw. I don’t like him, especially in the way that his voice actor continues to ham up his performance. This episode was a bit of a murder mystery thriller, in which someone is setting people on fire.

It all was pretty shallow, the culprit revealed herself pretty early, there wasn’t much attempt given at fleshing her out, so the creators just sent her into a maniacal killing spree without making her really interesting to watch. Her weapon (photographing people to death) was a nice idea, but that also was all it was: a nice idea. It’s neither used well nor would this episode have been any different if she just stabbed people with a knife.

For some weird reason, Tetsuya Endo turned out to be the episode director of this episode… which is strange because he should be working on Digimon Xros Wars. Either way, both here and with Digimon he’s not really showing his best side. This confirms to me that he really is one of those directors who needs good source material in order to really shine. I admit that you couldn’t do a lot with an episode that had a premise like this one.

Okay, so the original author said to give this series a chance until episode four or eight, so I will withhold judgment for now. But seriously, this series is going to have to become a lot better than this now. What I want to see are bold, new ideas executed well. The way that this series has been set up, it’s the perfect opportunity to try out new stuff, but instead it’s been stuck with ideas that it never uses. I mean, this is A-1: they’ve been doing nothing but that in 2010, despite a shaky production at times. I understand that Kuroshitsuji isn’t one of their main series, and that it’s really apparent that they are focusing on Occult Gakuin this season. I’ll be fine with the lackluster animation or the CG horses, as long as the storytelling tries out something interesting.
Rating: – (Disappointing)

14 thoughts on “Kuroshitsuji II – 03

  1. I so want this to be a sort of double troll, where they will just completely switch to Alois and Claude in the next episode. I can hope, can’t I?

  2. I salute you for managing to reach episode 3. I stopped at #1, after he made scrambled eggs of the poor maid’s eye.

  3. ^ I thought that was awesome. 🙂
    Well not really but I’m curious behind the reason for it. Why he hates her so much.

  4. Alois and Claude will probably be in the next ep 🙂 Claude’s in the preview if anyone looked carefully.

  5. Alois and Claude will probably be in the next ep 🙂 Claude’s in the preview if anyone looked carefully.

  6. I miss Alois and Claude so much already, but I still have to give this season a chance as I will be expecting something big to make-up for this trolling.

  7. Honestly, this episode didn’t seemed good because you didn’t watch season one. Hence, you’ve missed out on the crucial information that was presented. The plot for this episode wasn’t important, it’s what the main character’s revealed during it.

    You said you didn’t get past episode 2 in season one. So you probably won’t understand why Grell’s appearance was so important. Eg. Ciel seemed like he didn’t know Grell, but as far as I know, how could you forget someone who killed someone from your own family?. Ciel also told Sebastian ‘not to tell Madam Red(his aunt)’ and Sebastian replies ‘that won’t be a problem’, indicating that Ciel has forgotten her death (but Grell has her red coat so how is that possible?). Lastly, detective Aberline is alive and Ciel doesn’t know him at all. The timeline of events doesn’t make sense. Unless you’ve watched season one, you would’ve never picked up on those. These hints are telling us to look at things carefully and that these filler-like episodes actually are part of something bigger (as the mangaka has said).

    Also, the creators intentionally tricked us into thinking this season was completely based on the new pair, and even the mangaka told us herself that the point was to fool everyone. So I don’t think there’s any point relying on their earlier promotions at this point.

  8. Claude was in this episode actually…. in the end…. setting up the table.

    And he’s in the preview. ALSO WEARING AN OBVIOUS DISGUISE xD LOLz…. I’m wishing Alois is also in the train. I miss Alois like crazy~

  9. @lalarhs

    I’ve seen season 1. I know who the characters are. I agree 100% with psgels here.

    This episode stank, and was boring, though less boring and stinky than episode 2, which was putrid. These characters are dull, the scenarios they are thrown into are contrived and dull. If these episodes are really so crucial to piecing together what happened, why the hell weren’t they written to be more interesting? These are really crap. I’m watching one more to see Alois and Claude again, and if that sucks, this is dropped.

  10. “Shallow, predictable, annoying”…what?

    That really kind of hurts. I admit what they did with the first 1-2 episodes of the first season wasn’t that great (for some reason they made the Italian guy into a bad guy) but my recommendation is to finish at least finish the Jack the Ripper arc before judging it so quickly.

    Then again, if you watch Kuroshitsuji with that viewpoint instead of just watching it to enjoy it, chances are you won’t like it no matter what I say.

    As for this episode, I haven’t watched it yet. But judging from your comments, it seems that this is a flashback like the last episode, which you only could have picked up if you watched the first season. Lau and Aberlain are supposed to be dead along with Ciel.

    I don’t think you will able to like or understand this season if you haven’t watched the first.

  11. @lane

    I agree that these last two episodes aren’t as good as it should be (especially episode 2). I thought this episode was poorly executed aswell and really, it looked as though they tried to use a scenarios that would quickly bring back the old cast in order to please fans. Hence, they didn’t really focus on doing their job properly in providing us episodes that has a better way of ‘explaining’ the main plot of the series. But honestly, it’s too early to think that just because a few (so far only two) episodes were disappointing, doesn’t mean the whole season will. I still believe there are hidden meanings in these episodes as this season only spans 13 episodes. I really doubt they would want to throw in fillers when there’s such limited amount of episodes to use.

  12. psgels, you should really watch the whole of first season before you watch this season. This series is like a huge puzzle. In each episodes, different puzzle piece are being introduce. This puzzle piece are the small details of flashback that was present at the last season.

    For the whole of this episode, I think (from what I’ve seen) the director is trying to squeeze in the bits of the main plot and the filler as well. Which is good for me. Meaning they give importance to a somewhat filler like episode.

    The creators of this season does a good job in making their audience think instead of just watching. I myself, while watching this episode, kept on thinking how each of this string of events could lead up to the main story. I can’t wait for this series to knot every ties.

    If you have time as well, take time to read the manga. It’ll give you more information regarding this series. 🙂 Oh!

  13. hmm….. first episode was the best…but ever since it shifted to Ciel & FRIENDS….things have been pretty disappointing…

    the first season had an interesting 1st ep, disappointing mid eps, and an epic end.

    I really wish that the creators wont butcher the second season

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