31 thoughts on “The Final

  1. Congrats man. Coincidentally I check and read both your blog and Kurogane’s blog everyday, so I don’t think I’ll be voting between the two.

    Best of luck in the polls, and keep up the good anime blogging!

  2. hadn’t seen that blog before so will add it to my bookmarks, but yours IMHO is better. Voted in your favor 🙂

  3. Well, I already stated my opinion at the anime tourney blog, but here I go again

    Psgels : Blogs non mainstream stuff, writes his own opinion.

    Kurogane & the rest : Blogs mainstream stuff, pretty much no opinion.

    Seriously though, is it really too much to ask for another anime blog that blog none mainstream material?

  4. Star Crossed may not be writing and posting that much of masses, which Kurogane does. But in the information age, I prefer quality information which is reduced to the neccessary – and that’s exactly what I get here. So without a doubt vote for Star Crossed! 🙂

  5. congrats psgels, i think you deserve this win. now i’m interested on your thoughts on Aria 😛

  6. Considering the ONLY TWO Aniblogs I visit regularly are yours and kurogane’s, this is so twisted that I just had to comment.

    I had an inkling this would happen though lol.

  7. Voted for you, of course. If I wanted to stare at giant pics I’d just google them :PPPP, if I wished for humour and sarcasm I’d rather try baka-raptor XD.
    If your direct opponent would have been Ha Nel Seum (well, not an episode-by-episode blogger in the least, but a QUALITY one) , it would have been a tough choice for me though :p , I really adore gaguri’s posts and found some lovely stuff thanks to him.
    Whatever the outcome, thank you for giving us constantly food for thought and entertainment in a such a both timely and broad title&genre-wise fashion, even when our opinions differ completely. ^^V

  8. Although I don’t always agree with your opinions, your blog is always my first stop for reading anime reviews, been doing that for more than a year.

    Keep up the good work. And congrats. ^^v

  9. I’ve been following you for more than 2 years now and while I found Kurogane to be a good site, yours is by far the better one. Keep up with the good work, psgels!

  10. Voted for you, although Kurogane deserves kudos for finally showing the door to Listless Ink who has no real content to speak of and only made it to the semifinals by trickery that had nothing to do with blogging. An SC/RC final would have been something to behold, too bad that was ruined by a poser who knew how to manipulate social media to their advantage.

  11. RC/SC finals would’ve been ideal, if only RC announced on his site about the tourney it could’ve happened. oh well between kurogane and this, it’ll have to be this blog no doubt

  12. Xal you’re being arsh towards listless ink. There are few but beautiful posts. It shows the owner knows how to write good and deep essays. That blogs reminds us a that is a space where you write down your perosnal thoughts and experiences. It’s not some social service. Given contenents Listless Link should have won over Kurogane. Just compare their review about Mayoi Neko Overrun (the last common post made by both of the bloggers). One showed images and commented them with a couple of jokes while the latter analyzed insight such an anime and wrote down witty notes. It shows well who’d be the winner.

  13. I voted for you. Why? The first page full posts. The fact that you may actually understand ‘hongo and apparently view raws. And that even when you review something that I don’t like, or don’t like something I do you are still concise and true.

    I do like the fact that Kurogane does manga too.

  14. voted for you 🙂
    I discovered classic/epic anime because of your blog and I find your reviews helpful, especially with discussions on art and character development.

    Good job psgels! XDDDDD

  15. @Solaris — Yeah, let’s compare one post and ignore that one blogger posts once a week and the other does it daily and with style. And even with your biased criteria for content, GAR GAR Stegosaurus would have eliminated Listless Link before she even reached Kurogane. Let’s face it, without all the off-the-blog campaigning, Listless Ink would have lost early on. This shouldn’t be about who has more tricks up their sleeve using Twitter, Facbook, etc. to recruit outsiders, the people who read the blogs should decide.

    Star Crossed, RC, Kurogane, and many other blogs have accumulated their following through hard work, it’s unfair for them to end up losing to people who haven’t worked anywhere near as hard to gain recognition because they know how to use tricks.

  16. I’m just glad that my least favorite blog ever didn’t make it too far, so everything else has become a little easier because of that.

    Back to the real topic. I’ve already voted for this blog during previous rounds and so it’s obvious that I’ll continue support psgels this time around.

    Kurogane’s blog is okay, nothing against him, but I haven’t really found myself going back to it on a regular basis.

    Having said that, I have in fact disagreed with some of the scores or some of the statements that psgels has made here in Star Crossed Anime Blog, which is natural, but overall this is still a great blog that deserves a lot of praise and recognition.

    A blog doesn’t have to be perfect in order to win one of these contests and, of course, there is always a lot of room for debates about anime.

    So…just don’t let too much hubris get to your head if you win. 😉

  17. Uhm why whoever has a different opinion is addressed as “biased”. I appreciate those who write witty more than those who write with “style”. If is that being biased, i’m happy to be one.
    Xal i would like to ask you what you’d do if Psgels would lessen his own engagement in this blog. Would you take back all of your praises cause he’ll be able to write seldom?
    Bloggers aren’t there for your own care but to share their passion with others, included you. Each of those have their unique style, and i don’t bother compare them on that uncomparable level.
    If you’re just amused by who takes care of you with style, what are you doing here in the realm of less known and less mainstream series?

  18. On a side note, i’m rather happy about Psgels winning the Aniblog Tournament, as he really deserves it, but i also realized how much harm cand do too much advertisement to this place.
    This place was a rather little known and fair oasis far away by mainstream sites loved by your average net tourist. Now everybody knows it and will drop a visit bringing troubles. We already had our little troll invasion. I fear a change from peaceful days towards crowded ones. I’m not at ease with average noisy tourists. I start quarrelling too much.
    Given that next year i make a vow about castin votes AGAINST Star Crossed. Less advertisement is definitely better.
    /end of half-semi-serious rant

  19. @Solaris Do a search for “anime blog” – this blog comes up second. We all like to think that our tastes are unique and different from the ‘masses’ but this blog is pretty well-known as it is. As long as psgels doesn’t let the attention get to him (and I do not think he will), I don’t see the problem.

    And congrats on winning the tourney psgels – it’s a landslide victory at the moment with 82% for.

  20. Yeah I didnt expect it to be a crushing victory like this… 80%+ in the final is scary

    Had no idea this blog was that popular either… Guess that gives you a good incentive to go on ^^

    I checked the other 3 blogs from the semi finals and… heh, they have really nice presentation and all, but content wise, this blog leaves them in the dust

  21. Like i just said let’s not cheer before the party ends. Star Crossed hit as high as 72% against Sea Slug sometimes, but eventually the gap was greatly reduced at the end.

  22. It’s funny, I’ve been trying to find more anime blogs so I can see more points of view but none of them seem to cover as many shows as you have and on such a regular schedule. So I had to vote for you here, looks like you’ve been killing the competition too.

  23. Voted. Pleasantly surprised at the results so far. I must not be the only one who appreciates a site that does something original and different to every other blog that just seem to be screenshot dumps of the latest K-On or “show-of-the-moment” episodes.

  24. Voted for SC just now. I know Kurogane IRL, but his blog is just one among the many in the ocean of “anime blog” on the net, nothing special to shout about. SC and RC are without doubt the top two… the one that I visit on a daily basis. So yeah, SC FTW!

  25. Listless Ink blog contents is beautifully written, but that blog focus only on yuri/shoujo-ai, and updates are somewhat slow.

  26. Star Crossed is more than an anime blog. I believe that many can attest that the blog has a hand in improving their overall taste of anime.
    With its focus on quality anime and critically assessing series for what they are instead of the cuteness/coolness/quirkiness of their characters, it is a rare breed among anime blogs. The other blogs may range from fun-reading to outright horrible, but will read too much like standard fan opinions and all the while being almost devoid of real critique and offer much less substance compared to Star Crossed.
    Star Crossed’s victory is well-deserved. Go Go, Psgels!

  27. Congratulations on winning the tourney. I’ve been following you for about three years now; this is my first comment though.:) It’s nice to read an anime blogger with mature aesthetic sensibilities.
    So keep up the good work, and thanks for all the useful reviews

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