Angel Beats – 10

This episode contained the best joke of this series so far. The scene at which Tachibana stole Yui’s guitar was absolutely hilarious.

In any case, this is the Yui episode, and guess what? The Key bed-ridden girl finally shows her face. Her back-story was again rushed through, but it worked surprisingly well with Otonashi’s attempt to make her disappear. Otonashi’s weird plans in this episode really fall into line with the chaos that has been reigning over this series so far, which was mostly visible in the soccer match.

Right now I am beginning to see why Maeda Jun said in an interview that there were a ton of things that he wanted to put into this series, but couldn’t, due to restrictions. We’ve still got a huge cast left that needs to disappear. I feel that this series would have been better with an entire run of 24 episodes. The same of course goes for many other series, but this is an original series: the creators knew that this series would be popular and sell a lot. They could have easily planned the series across 24 episodes.

this episode was pretty good, actually. The confession scene at the end was cheesy in a good way, but at the same time I feel that this show could have been significantly better if it were longer. Seriously, something needs to come that will break the increasingly annoying ‘thirteen episodes’ trend that has been growing in anime for the past few years.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

9 thoughts on “Angel Beats – 10

  1. Remember a time when the few 13ep series that were out there were awesome? They were more focused than the rest of the series and had a complete story by the end. (I think it was also a period were anime tended to drag things out at times, so viewing something focused was refreshing).

    After a few of them were successful, I guess it became a trend (maybe it is easier to sell them to the networks? Maybe they need less money so it’s easier to get investors?). Or at least, as maeda jun said pretty blatantly, it’s not a decision made with what ep length fits the story best in mind.

  2. I agree with what Puran said in so far, that things were better when 13 episodes were still experimental.
    But of course it’s easier to make and a lot less risky to invest, because the studios don’t have to put as much finances in creating one longer series but can go with several short ones.
    In Japan it’s mostly not a TV station that orders an anime, but the studio has to actually sell them…so a longer series without any prebased knowledge concerning an audience sells worse, because it could actually become a failure. Imagine how big the losses would have been if for example Saraiya Goyou would have run for 26 episodes.

    But I also think that it’s Maeda Jun’s fault, too, in this case.
    This is not an adaption but was actually planned to become a TV Series from the start. So he should have just concentrated on writing a script that fits a TV series.
    That’s why I’m missing original anime nowadays, because they can actually plan it out so it fits the length.

    Concerning this episode, I think it was okay.
    It dragged a bit in the beginning and the characters are inconsistent as always.
    I mean why is everyone armed and ready when Tenshi only appears, but when Otonashi helps to make someone dissappear it’s nice and swell?!
    But at least the drama was okay and it was believable why Yui was that hyperenergetic.
    Makes me wish they had spent more times on characters and less time on showing different sides of Tachibana…because she so ‘keeeewwwwwwt’ >_>

  3. The part when the “guys” were reading the note was pretty hilarious. I actually laughed out loud which has been a while for me in terms of anime. I think the last time was for the first season of SZS.

  4. Hopefully the shadow they were fighting at the end of the episode doesn’t do anything bad to the series

  5. I thought the rest of the series would be some kind of cute, or rather calm ending that somehow panned through the SSS members dissappearing in some way eventually leading up to Yuri, but now there’s the shadow thing. That seems a little randomly placed. I guess I thought it could just be one of Oto/Angel’s plots, but I’m not sure. I’m surprised you didn’t mention it at all.

  6. With the series being so short, they won’t be able to go through all the characters which is a pity. I agree that they should have made it 24 episodes, but I guess we’ll have to be content with reading the supplemental manga or something.

  7. this is a weird episode for me..the confession at the end of the episode has no build-up,or am I mssing hints? It seemed so shallow and lacks any kind of possible reason from last episodes…

  8. i also feel like I’m missing something. I didn’t get any romantic hints between Hinata and Yui before the confession ._. it just felt random to me. anyone wanna try to explain?

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