Durarara – 21

“Oh yes, a girl from my school with glasses and big boobs. That sounds just vague enough to be Anri.”

I know it’s nitpicking what I’m doing here, but when this episode kept repeating it I really couldn’t help but notice how such a vague hint convinced everyone immediately about Anri’s identity.

In any case though, aside from that I can’t say anything new about how this series disappointed so far. This episode was clearly building up the things it had already established (ie, the drama around people who just refuse to talk to each other), but at this rate the series could still very much end with a bang.

Not sure whether this has to do with Mikado coming back into the picture, but I actually really enjoyed the time that was spent between him and the Dollars. To come with a bit of an analogy: it feels like Kida is trying to lead a group of dogs: loyal, but when left alone they might start barking and attacking. Anri on the other hand is leading zombies: brainless and completely obedient. Mikado on the other hand is trying to herd cats: it doesn’t work and more often than not they’ll just go with their own ideas. I find the relationship between Mikado and the dollars by far the most interesting of the three fractions that are currently about to go to war with each other.

I’m not really interested in the chaos that’s going to follow from now. Rather, I’m waiting for the moment in which the first of the three friends starts to speak up. That should prove to be very interesting. But at the same time… it’s still a pity that there are only going to be 24 episodes in this series. It really feels like the wrong place to end this series at.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

13 thoughts on “Durarara – 21

  1. I would agree with your nitpick, but on the other hand, I remembered that long time ago at my school, the description “the girl with the big boobs and short hair” really did bring one specific girl to everyone’s mind at school (although my school was probably smaller than Raira), so now it doesn’t seem too far-fetched for me.

    Also, it’s a pity that it’s ending. Considering it still has a ton of mysteries to address. I think the end in this series will feel more like the end of an arc, while other things, like celty’s head, will remain semi-unresolved (I mean the semi-climax with celty’s realization that she doesn’t need the head was good, but really, don’t you wonder what will happen when/if she finally gets her head back? I don’t think we’ll be seeing that).

  2. Well .. actually come to think of it .. Celty should be the main focus of the few episodes left … not only because of her head mystery .. but simply because she is the ONLY one besides Izaya Orihara who knows all three main characters, their secrets and that each one of them is leading a faction (she knows Mikado is leader of Dollas, knows Kida is leader of yellow scarves and of course knows Anri can control the slasher victims and her true nature).

    What bugs me .. if she sees everything going out of control why the %$#^ doesn’t she do anything about it and tell all three friends the truth simply solving a messy conflict before it starts .. she can’t be that stupid really !!!? (otherwise the conflict the writers are pushing for as the climax would feel very forced IMO)

  3. Hmmm, you’re right, bringing Celty back to the spotlight makes sense now. She has turned into a side character for the second half of the series, which has been disappointing for me. Having her act like a catalyst to resolve things and foil izaya’s plan would be a good move plotwise.

  4. I kinda agree with what Hunter Wolf is saying,Celty should try to help to resolve the conflict since she knows so much.But at the same time she could make it worse.Since people know she is a part Dollars,what ever she do can be seen as a Dollars’ move,so maybe her current neutral stance is good too?

    And lastly,I agree with psgels’ nitpicking.Those clues are damn vague to pinpoint Anri!I guess those huge assets of hers are a real rarity in Japan! XD

  5. This anime is dragging out.
    It’s been building up for far too long, and the teenage angst is getting worse and worse. I feel like the dialogue and actions are just too slow paced and repetitious. The first half was truly a lot better. 🙂

  6. In Mikado and Masaomi’s defense, Anri’s important to them so when the people describe those features, of course it’s natural for both to think of their friend. 🙂

  7. @ Hunter Wolf and ci60, Celty isn’t saying anything because Anri asked her not to and Celty want to betray that trust.

  8. Also, the narration has been really downplayed in the second half. I really enjoy narration in general, it gives insight and more information other than what is shown. There are tidbits of narration here and there but not as much as the first 12 episodes.

    Maybe the first 12 episodes were supposed to be an introduction. But if so, that was a hell of a long introduction. It would only make sense if another season was coming (that’s a hint brains base, *wink* *wink*)

  9. Large breasts aren’t very common in Japan, especially among school girls. Most full-grown woman are only A, maybe B cups, so Anri’s assets really are a key factor in the description.

    In any case…it seems like I’m one of the only people out there who’s actually quite content with the recent episodes. Yes, the build-up has been going on for a while, but on the other hand, my favorite character Kadota has been getting so much screen-time, its more than enough to balance it out for me lol. I do agree that everyone’s getting a bit too angsty, but in the episode preview for next week it looks like Kida might find out that Anri is the slasher, or at least find out that she knows he’s the General. Hopefully that will start to bring all of this confusion to an end.

    As for why Celty won’t speak up to our three protagonists…well, Anri specifically asked Celty to not tell anyone what she was. Since Celty herself once lived by hiding what she was, of course she would respect Anri’s wishes. Mikado hadn’t announced himself as the leaders of Dollars before meeting Izaya and Celty, and continued to keep his existence within the group as vague as possible afterward. Being the smart woman that she is, Celty can probably see that Mikado wants to keep his identity hidden, and maybe for a good reason (what would Dollars become with a solid leader at the top? Just another gang, probably). The difference between her and Izaya, of course, is that Izaya is a troll who’ll tell anyone who asks and Celty is not. That and Izaya has a diabolical scheme in the works, but yeah.

    However, why she couldn’t go up to Mikado and say, “Kida is in the Yellow Scarves!” I do not know. His role as the General was once- and amongst gang-folk still is- public knowledge. So, maybe Celty will make an appearance to at least clear this bit up.

    The series is set for 24 aired episodes, but I hear that they’re going to have two special episodes included on the dvd release, so if that’s true then there will actually be 26 episodes instead of 24. Though, I believe their just in-between things like with the Baccano specials.

  10. pfft, Nitpicking. Even if Durarara as a whole seems more subdued than something like Baccano, it’s still ultimately written by Narita, and so is going to have his methods of moving the plot along.

    Place a “finding a girl using a vague description” scene in Baccano and nobody would really bat an eyelid.
    Durarara may be different but it still has a headless Irish fairy with a motorbike that’s also a horse, it’s allowed to be bizarrely convenient with it’s storytelling sometimes.

  11. I’m actually quite content with this episode; several characters are back on the screen; Seiji and his gf, Celty, Shinra, Mikado, etc. I can’t wait for the next episode actually, I wonder if the trio would actually get to meet face-to-face already and how Celty is going to get involved in all this? What about Shinra’s father or that police officer who managed to scare Celty so much?

    Needless to say, I haven’t enjoyed a DRRR!! episode for some time now.

  12. Anri’s breasts are very abnormal to Japan especially for a High School girl, so for someone to say I saw a girl who wears a Raira uniform, has short hair, glasses, and big boobs makes people immediately think of Anri because very few girls actually fit that description, and go to their school. Adding that with the fact that she is important to them makes them automatically think of Anri when they hear that description.

    Though in the case of the build up which you’ve really missed out on a lot of Izaya said two episodes ago that he was looking for a missing loaded gun. Keep that in mind for the upcoming episodes.

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