Heartcatch Precure – 16

Perhaps one bit of criticism for this series would be about its battles. If Erika and Tsubomi have this all-finishing attack that returns Desatorians back to their original form, then why don’t they use it immediately? It’s also a bit formulaic that the bad guys always pick out a depressed kid that happens to be near our two lead characters. But still, those are just minor nitpicks. I’m happy enough with how this series has managed to breathe new life into the mahou shoujo-genre.

This episode was all about leadership. We get to see the captain of the school’s drama club versus Erika, the leader of the fashion club. This episode used this comparison to give a lot of depth to the drama club’s captain. The girl is very talented, and you can see that she’s a perfectionist when it comes to acting. As a leader however, she failed to take care of her team: make all of them feel appreciated, listening to them, et cetera. Erika in this episode shows how to do this well: she uses her energy to make everyone in the club comfortable: she cheers everyone on, gives hints and listens, and creates an overall great team spirit, even though her huge amount of energy takes a bit of getting used to.

Turning her into a Desatorian was also mostly necessary for her former teammates to see that she was willing to change. The girl very much knew that she screwed up, but her pride refused her to just go to her teammates and apologize.
Rating: ** (Excellent)

3 thoughts on “Heartcatch Precure – 16

  1. To answer your question about the Desatorian finishing move, the PreCure pretty much tried that last episode…and Kumojacky took advantage of it by tossing them into a chasm.

  2. Oh wow..At last certain Erika’s character development ep finally came.

    With this ep you will see the other side of hers. OK with the some of past ep. you will see her only as some of annoyed character that speak very loud.Can’t tolerate with anything too much. Having a lot of energy and skills and sometimes bad mouth.(espectially in the very first eps).
    But partner with Tsubomi for a long time make her really change.

    Now you will see her as a some of nice leader type.Really energetic. Having nice skills but in the sametime she can listen the other opinion too.And make the people can fun with her instead look annoyed at her like the first.that very opposite from the victim in this ep that although she is a leader of drama club and has some of nice acting skills.But she didn’t listen others at all.So she couldn’t make people follow her likes Erika did.

    And the story of victims and Erika are develop very nicely and smoothly.You can understand the feeling of that drama leader very well.In the sametime you can get some of nice development for Erika too.

    And with this eps It’s make fashoin club more and more important to the story now.It is the club that has some nice activities and many interested people(Like Itsuki and Shiku)come to joined with them more and more(And the reason that make them joined is very naturally and look very make sense for the story).

    Looking forward to the next week eps. Look like they’ll involve with Yuri again..YES!!

  3. Let’s say that the Desertrian must be weakened with physical attacks before defeating it with the finishing move. It’s the same as the old school super robot shows!
    On another note, Heartcatch continues to deliver nice and heartwarming side stories. I love that they don’t forget the minor characters.

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