The Aniblog Tourney

For the readers of this blog:
Okay, so it’s finally this blog’s turn at the Aniblog Tourney. You can vote here, and also be sure to check out the blog I’m up against: Just as Planned. 🙂

To the ones who came here from the Aniblog Tourney:
Welcome at Star Crossed Anime Blog, an episodic blog that I’ve been keeping for nearly four and a half years now. Aside from episodic posts (I try to blog around twelve series each season) I write a bunch of other features as well. Here’s a small list of them:

Anime Reviews – (reviews of a wide variety of anime, OVAs and Movies. An alphabetical list can be found here: (#-G), (H-L), (M-Q), (R-Z)).

Seasonal Previews – (previews of upcoming seasons, with a lot of focus on directors and scriptwriters. Since the past two seasons there also is a Movie and OVA edition).

Monthly Summaries – (a list of my personal impressions of all airing series that I’ve been keeping up with for every month).

Top 10 Anime – (A few Top-X lists, including my favourite anime, OPs and Horror series).

Some quick first impressions – (Impressions of the first episodes of newly aired series).

If you start digging through the archives, you might notice a lot of missing screenshots. Apologies for that. I’ve had a lot of issues with image hosting in the past.

In any case, welcome on the site. 🙂

25 thoughts on “The Aniblog Tourney

  1. Gonna vote for you, I tried the other blog but I like yours better. Yours is easier to navigate, better organised, has more reviews for animes and you tend to review more animes I could be interested in. Good luck for this poll.

  2. I really can’t imagine you losing in these earlier rounds. This blog is one of a few that I would place my bet on advancing to the quarter or even semi finals

  3. I voted for Just as Planned :P. While I know your blog for a lot longer than JAP’s blog, and you make more posts than he does, his posts are more informative than you. He has basically dedicated his blog to Umineko, and I freaking love it. Plus, let’s face it, you already won.

  4. Voted!Reading your blog everyday has been a daily routine for me,and I hope that you won’t stop anytime soon cause I love reading your thoughts and opinions ^^

  5. Lol, 90% votes 😛 Its a great blog though, been keeping track every since I found it and theres countless animes I would have never watched if it werent for this blog, so it deserves to win

  6. I voted for … you of course, 90% of the total votes?? I also checked Just As Planned, it’s a good blog, but I’ll vote for you no matter who you’re up against! *winks*

  7. Yeah, like Sacchi, I like that JAP’s posts are more informative than your posts. But they don’t have my favorite series (ie Oofuri, FMA) so you won! 🙂

  8. Voted, a long time fan … i really enjoy reading your Blog and really love the variety here (on-going series, OVA/Movies, Old Classics, Season Previews, .. etc etc) .. not to mention your taste in anime is quite classy ^_^

  9. You had my vote too, Psgels.
    I’ll have some problem choosing if you end up fighting vs Tenka Seiha. That guy Aroduc makes such silly reviews i like so much despite the fact i wouldn’t like the series he blogs.
    On the other hand i’m dropping by this blog so few lately cause you’re blogging so many series i don’t like. My favourite series usually end last in your top 20, so i’m feeling a little dishearted.
    Of course i’m just telling you my point of view. I continue following Star Crossed from the shadows, hoping i could gain new interest in your blog.
    Bai bai

  10. Voted for you, of course. Incredible amount of good series followed and reviewed, great organization in your work, incredible rapidity in sending your posts and watching the episodes, a variety of entries.

  11. Just wanted to add, as for Just as planned , I loved its posts on the Umineko visual novel and Code Geass, those were wellcome cause I’m such a fan!

  12. psgels, I just noticed on the tourney that there’s gonna be a three way battle between you, Random Poets and Janai. This is gonna be an interesting match!

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