Angel Beats – 06

Well, that was taken care of more quickly than expected. This episode went and completely changed the relationships between the different characters. As it turns out, the new student council president was just as Yurippe: confused, and trying to do something nonsensical because of the regrets that he held from the time that he was still alive.

Otonashi’s dramatic confession scene was a bit weird, since we knew so little about the new president at this point (his backstory yet again felt a bit forced here), but it did show that the real villain of this series is the setting itself. The end boss is probably going to be the one who created it, and I really hope that we’re going to see him soon, in order to be able to give him some depth before the thirteen episodes run out.

At this point it’s also pretty clear that Otonashi is special: he doesn’t seem to hold any particular grudge, or is particularly confused in the way that the other characters are. The creators are probably using his amnesia as some sort of plot device for later, to reveal god knows what kind of a background he had when he was still alive.

One thing that’s been irking me about the backgrounds of these characters is that we hardly ever see how exactly they died. This episode again: that student council president really must have angered the gods badly with his story: first his brother dies in an accident, then his father dies, and then he himself dies. His mother probably died even before that because there isn’t even a mention of her. To be honest, I feel like Key is trying a bit too hard here, like they did with Kanon. But then again, their previous stories have also shown that they like to hold a ton of trump cards for the end, so let’s hope that that’s going to be the case here as well.
Rating: * (Good)

16 thoughts on “Angel Beats – 06

  1. Good more Tenshi progress, was left unsure whether acknowledgement made the new president dissapear or not until the next episode. But I liked his observation, he was essentially right they are gods in this world with the power of creation.

  2. I’m not sure this episode made a lot of sense. The kid has existentialist issues, so he goes and beats the shit out of random people? And those issues were solved by a hug?

  3. If I were mean I would say, this series is not supposed to make sense, it’s supposed to be AWESOME-O and cater to the fanboy’s love of cute girls doing cute stuff in DRAMATIC scenarios.

    But well…I think part of it is my personal problem with everything from Key except AIR.

  4. @3, The kids take on the universe they are in is that they are being rewarded for their terrible lives with the chance to become gods of their own world. This also ties in to his ‘regret’ that he was never acknowledged and never met expectations even though he tried his best, even being forced to assume his brothers identity and sign his work with his brothers name. The violence is a typical violent response to psychological repression.

    His problem was ‘solved’ because he we acknowleged and someone used his name to complement him.

  5. Ayato wanted to be acknowledged for who he was, which was pretty much impossible in his own life because he was supposed to be dead.

  6. Also, @psgels

    I don’t think it matters how we see them die. Their deaths aren’t important, but their lives were. For example, in the light novel Hinata was killed by being hit by a truck.

  7. That’s so arbitrary though. Does being the neglected son suddenly turn you into a murderous douchebag? It’s not like he showed any signs of violence in his previous life. Also, does a hug really cure psychological illness? I mean, you can always stretch your imagination to accept something (especially psychological bullshit), but this goes beyond my level of tolerance.

    I’m with chounokoe on this one. This series doesn’t make sense. I also don’t think it’s funny. I just feel like each episode individually is passable… barely.

  8. Dont watch it then if you dont understand it and dont enjoy it. Some of us are quite loving bith its comedy (though this episode had none) and its insighful thought provoking universe.

  9. If you haven’t noticed already everybody is violent in this series. There’s no reason not to be violent, because nobody can die. I didn’t think his situation was unbelievable. He was trying to be somebody else his entire life and couldn’t act normally even around his parents. All he wanted was for one person to accept him for what he was.

  10. @The kid has existentialist issues, so he goes and beats the shit out of random people?

    Ayato beats the students as a way to stop himself from disappearing. Remember? Living a normal life = disappear. He tries to take over the student body president position via being a good student, therefore it’s the only way he can stop himself from disappearing.

  11. Otonashi is definitely a special case with his “amnesia”. The confession scene with him hugging Ayato felt really random and out of place.

  12. no need to be overly defensive about the series, i really liked it when it first started but i totally agree with #3 and #12. For all the fuss that the new president started, it should have taken more than a hug to solve it (and the flashback to his dad acknowledging him was contradicting). And okay let’s say I accept the hug, for Otonashi to initiate that action is a bit surprising (when did he ever break out from the group)? I really like the idea of another world after a bad life, but i guess i’m wishing for some kind of villain to hate on.

  13. OK although the otonashi hug scene is totally a bit rushed.But at least Naoi’s story make Naoi’s character look has some depth and some of good reason to do the thing that he has done here.
    (Being at god’s position because it make you can destined other people lives and can make some value to your lives. Opposite with the way that you be in the time that you lives that you’re always determined your lives by others or only replaced other people.No one didn’t truely accept your being until the last part of this ep that Otonashi did.. Nice reason here.)

    And interesting to see some development between Otonashi and Kanade.(Kanade’s development is nice to watch too). I think it will be play at some important part later. Along with Otonashi’s memories That I can predict that It’ll be hold on something important too.

    Intersting to see what the direction that this series will going on next !

    Plus…some nice used of raining scene here. It can add drama touch to replaced the feel somewhat rushed in the story for me.Loved it!

  14. I’m sucker for drama and epic music so I thought the episode was brilliant. I guess was able to ignore the unusual pacing and structure of the episode to enjoy it. The only question I have is who or what will be the antagonist in the next episodes?

  15. “Ayato beats the students as a way to stop himself from disappearing.”

    Can’t he just like… urinate on random objects or something?

    That’s another thing about this series, is that the entire setting is totally arbitrary. If they need a convenient plot device, they’ll just vaguely make something up and then not explain it to avoid contradictions later on when they have to invent some other plot device.

    I think this goes back to what chounokoe was saying. This series is about a bunch of moe girls running around doing cute shit. If you like that, fine, who am I to judge? But it doesn’t change the fact that this series makes no f**king sense.

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