Heartcatch Precure – 13

Seriously, when was the last time a shoujo-series aired that kicked this much ass? This episode yet again had some wonderful action, probably amongst the best I’ve ever seen in a mahou shoujo-series. This episode that focused on Cure Moonlight was everything I hoped it to be, and a worthy closure of the first quarter of the series. Now the question remains: what do the creators have in store for the rest of the series?

This episode made me think a bit: there aren’t that many single mothers in anime, are there? Usually when characters have a dysfunctional family, it’s either both their parents who are gone, or the mother simply isn’t there. Yes, that “all mothers are weak” stereotype seriously needs to freaking die already. In any case, out of all the dysfunctional families, I’ve noticed that the single mothers are often portrayed the best. This episode was no exception. Heck, I’m really surprised that the creators even gave Cure Moonlight a family: usual anime don’t bother with those kinds of things for characters of her calibre. It added so much to her character, though. That bond between Cure Moonlight and her mother was subtle yet awesome.

One issue I did have with this episode was that it did fall into one particular cliche (very rare for this series to slip up like that): the “I’m about to kill you but I won’t”-stereotype. The reason the creators provided didn’t make too much sense: Dark Precure is about to kill Erika and Tsubomi, but her boss stops her from doing so because he ordered her not to involve herself with Cure Moonlight anymore? What do these things have to do with each other.

Nevertheless, this episode had really well directed action. The camera-angles, animation, it all fitted. Let’s hope that Toei can keep up this standard for the rest of the series!
Rating: *** (Awesome)

8 thoughts on “Heartcatch Precure – 13

  1. I don’t think it’s THAT rare. Don’t forget about series like Noein, Witchblade and Toradora, among others. The mothers in those series weren’t really portrayed as weak either, just a bit irresponsible.

  2. Yuri/Moonlights Father is lost, right? I think Dr. Sabaaku is her Dad. That’s why he stopped Dark…besides, there’s this shot in the opening with him and Moonlight in the background. Or I just overthink things, lol.

  3. I hope Yuri will transformed into Cure Moonlight soon and join the party with Cure Blossom & Cure Marine

  4. What an awesome episode!It was really tight from beginning to end and the action was really good too.And I agree that just maybe Sabaaku really is Yuri’s dad who was missing looking for the heart tree..

  5. man, i had doubts about watching heartcure pretty cure…mainly because of the other pretty cures out there(they were not pleasant to watch, too much cheese) but after this episode, heartcure pretty cure is on my top 10 anime for this season list.

  6. Ahh…I really the direction that they keep going. This precure’s season is rocks anyway.

    This ep is more than proved. You’ll see the many main plot’s hint that they leaves here. Mostly about Yuri(Cure moonlight).
    Yeah…I think like almost everyone here. With this ep I think that Dr.Saabaku is yuri’s dad that left her to search for Heart tree for sure. And that why he stopped dark precure.

    For me..It’s look like he was brainwashed or gone completely dark side by something that he found from his research. that why he can’t remembered his daughter.(Or can so.. that why he wear mask..Look like he scared that if his daughter see him.. he will..).

    But It feel like his feeling about his daughter is not completely gone. So…He create Dark precure to replaced her.To fulfill his missing feeling.And look like dark precure know about this.(From what she says in ep10. If she can defeat cure moonlight.She’ll be truely cure)

    Oh my godddd.Precure can make me think such good theory like this.And make me see the awesome fight scene that better that almost of fight show here? Wow.. AWESOME!!

  7. In that episode, Dark Pretty Cure actually said to Yuri/Moonlight that she was her. Dark Pretty Cure is Yuri. I kind of expected that though. Because of Moonlight and Dark Pretty Cure’s resemblance. I mean the way the bang of their hair is the same and the flowers in their hair. Kind of like the resemblance myself and others find in pictures of Cure Sunshine and Itsuki Myoudouin, not that this relates to Ep 13.

  8. >> Heck, I’m really surprised that the creators even gave Cure Moonlight a family: usual anime don’t bother with those kinds of things for characters of her calibre.

    This. I had found it impressive already when they were willing to get into each main characters’ traumas (jealousy, formerly falling apart family) so extensively, and now even Cure Moonlight has a high-detail home situation, and it actually has bearing on the plot! I love it.

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