Giniro no Kami no Agito Review – 45/100

What we have here is Gonzo’s attempt at making a movie. Bad idea. The only good part was that it featured some fancy graphics, but even that couldn’t save it from the horrible storyline it features. The characters are all extremely dull, not to mention that the voice-actors never put any feelings in their work. Add that to the fact that the main characters are a bunch of twelve-year-old brats, and you have a recipe for a yawnfest.

The best part of this movie was the opening tune. It really makes you excited about the movie. Especially if you combine it with the pretty graphics. At that time, I still had a good feeling about this movie. It starts out okay, our main character is just living his life on a post-apocalyptic world, in which water is scarce and the forest turned hostile. It really reminded me of Nausicaa, though Nausicaa succeeded where Gin-Iro no Kami no Agito fails.

You see, what follows is one of the most horrible storylines ever. It starts out innocent when our main character runs into a girl who’s been sleeping for ages. The girl then gets to play for a damsel in distress, our main character gets superpowers for no reason at all in order to save her and the entire planet. All of this ends in an extremely cheesy and extremely convenient ending.

The graphics indeed are great, though you can see that the creators didn’t put any thoughts in the laws of nature. For example, the moon has been blown to pieces in the past. If that would be the case, it would send every piece of debris in a random direction. In this case, however, the pieces just conveniently stay together without any explanation at all. It’s also interesting to see that when girl jumps in the water, her clothes get wet, though whenever a guy does this, his clothes seem to be drying instantly. Yay for consistency.

Overall, if you want fancy graphics, you might try this one out. If you don’t, then stay far away from this movie. Far, far away.

0 thoughts on “Giniro no Kami no Agito Review – 45/100

  1. Another bozo review. When you can create something half as good, then you can pan things this extremely. Otherwise, stuff it. Movie had its good and bad points, but readers will never learn anything from the crap review above.

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