Hanamaru Youchien – 12

So… for the ones who were hoping for a conclusion: there is none. As it turns out, the creators just decided to animate a bunch of chapters and just stopped when the episodes ran out. Seriously, it’s a bit of a bummer to see Tsuchida and Yamamoto still not together. In the end, Yamamoto’s cluelessness was really one of my two major annoyances about this series. The other was Tsuchida’s sister.

Nevertheless, when you view this as a random episode, rather than an ending, it was pretty good and well written. Anzu’s dream was a bit weird (especially since it contained the ONLY KISS in this series…), but the random character cameos were definitely interesting. The second half, while not wrapping anything up, did show a lot of new things about the characters (including on how Anzu’s parents ended up married), and Anzu also gave up on Tsuchida as well. But yeah, it’s a bit pointless to do all this build-up for an ending that’s never going to be there.

Still, I’ve been very much surprised by this series. I really started blogging it on a whim. The only reason for it was because the rest of the season was so incredibly dry. But it’s been fun. It’s certainly not the most enjoyable series out there, and the director has done a far better job at Ooedo Rocket in terms of light-heartedness. But for what it was, it was a very nice and enjoyable series.
Rating: * (Good)

2 thoughts on “Hanamaru Youchien – 12

  1. “But yeah, it’s a bit pointless to do all this build-up for an ending that’s never going to be there. ”

    true! true! it was quite disappointing not to see tsuchi and yamamoto-sensei together in the end. oh well, at least the ending scene was quite cute. im happy that the story he made for anzu in the previous episode was made into a little play. 🙂

  2. was enjoyable overall..agreed with the build up into nothing though…

    I would have to disagree with the light-hearted comment about oh!edo rocket though. That show was some kind of crazy hybrid mix of awesome characters, drama, comedy, crazy themes…I wouldn’t call it “light-hearted” like this show though considering drama got built up if you remember. Man that show had some great characters…

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