Higurashi no Naku Koro ni – 13 – Even More Questions

Too bad. Keiichi’s voice-acting so did not match with his facial constortions. He looked so fake in this. On the other hand, Satoko was awesome when she started yelling. About the episode: I liked it. It wasn’t as good as the previous two, though it was very enjoyable indeed.

The game, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni consisted of eight arcs, if I’m not wrong. Four question-arcs and four answer-arcs. Right now, we’re being treated with the four question arcs. We’ve only got one of them left, in which Rika will stand in the attention. This’ll probably take till episode seventeen. What follows are the four answer-arcs. I’m wondering whether the creators will decide to show all of them, or just two.

Anyway, about the episode. We start with Keiichi, lyin in his bed. He’s obviously extremely confused, after what happened in the previous episode. He then grabs a hand axe, and heads for Satoko’s place. When he heads out, he thinks he sees something behind him, though there’s nobody there. He himself thinks that it’s Satoko’s work.

He heads for Satoko’s house, and then notices that Satoko’s uncle’s bike isn’t there. The door is left open, and the tv is left on. Keiichi then searches for Satoko, and he hears something in the shower. It then seems that she’s been in the shower since the entire night, counting till 10000. When Keiichi asks for the reason, she mentions something about her uncle. Then Keiichi goes berserk in a few very fake scenes. That’s the problem when you’re low-budget. Scenes like these don’t work. Still, I have to say that Satoko was just too sad.

Keiichi then attempts to bring Satoko to the clinic. She’s getting better and better, one thing I liked about this. When Keiichi goes to investigate, he sees that Irie’s killed himself. Oishi’s also vanished without a trace. When Satoko hears this, she’s terribly shocked. Though, she manages to recover after this. These scenes were greatly excecuted. Satoko then asks Keiichi to bring her to Rika’s house, in order to borrow some clothes. Keiichi manages to get more paranoid by the minute, by the way. The fact remains that both Takano as Oishi as Irie died, after Keiichi wished thim dead. This makes him think that he’s the reason behind these deaths. He then also confesses Satoko about what he did to her uncle. Satoko tells him not to mention it, though the disease has spread enough for Keiichi to not notice it. Satoko then leaves, in order to pick up her stuff.

What follows is Keiichi, who notices Rika’s dead body behind the shrine. It’s being eaten by crows, so he screams in a very fake way, and attempts to chase the crows away with the axe he’s wielding. This axe then gets covered in blood. When Satoko sees Keiichi wielding a bloody axe right next to Rika’s dead body, she breaks. She then runs away and Keiichi follows her. They end up at a bridge narrow drawbridge.

Satoko mentions that she used to see Keiichi as her new Nii-nii. Keiichi tries to convince Satoko, but this doesn’t really work, since the idiot forgot to throw his axe away. When he finally realizes this, Satoko calms down a bit. Though, she still thinks that he murdered Keiichi. She gives Oyashiro the blame, as she knows that Keiichi wouldn’t hurt anyone.

She then tells about something that happened when she was young. She used to play along with Rika, and then she ended up inside the shrine on accident. While trying to get out, she broke Oyashiro0s statue, though Rika was seen as the one who did it and punished severely. This has made a huge impact on Satoko, especially her parents disappearing, her aunt dying and her brother running away only strenghtened this. She now views those as a devine retribution for the things she did back in the shrine. This was a great moment, though I’m wondering something… what the heck was a chibified-Keiichi doing right next to Rika? And why the heck did they look of the same age? O_o

Satoko then tells Keiichi that she really was glad that Keiichi got transferred, and now she breaks when she finds out that the only hope she had left has als obeen posessed by Oyashiro. She then pushes him off the bridge, and he falls a loooong way down in the river which lies behind the bridge. What follows is the usual conclusion of the arc. In the first arc, this was Oishi who read the report about the things Keiichi had been doing. In the second arc, it was Keiichi who recovered along with Rena after what happened in Mion’s basement. The third arc shows a couple of unknown people, watching the local news about something that happened in Hinamizawa. Guess what? Poisonous vulcanic gass erupted from somewhere, killing off the entire Hinamizawa Population. Except for one person: Keiichi.

Did you see that one coming? Keiichi, ending up as the only survivor of Hinamizawa? It makes perfect sense, though. A fall from a bridge like that hurts a lot, though you don’t nessecarily die from it. Because Keiichi was unconcious at the time when the gas erupted, so he didn’t breathe in as much as the other residents of Hinamizawa. That’s why he stayed alive.

So, let’s take a look at the total death count:
Keiichi: 1,5 (We don’t know if he really died at the end of the second arc. It was probably the disease again, though he could have killed himself at that time. Only time will tell).
Rena: 2
Mion: 3
Shion: 2
Rika: 2
Satoko: 2

Isn’t this interesting? If it turns out that Keiichi didn’t die at the end of the second arc, he’s been the main character with the least number of deaths on his name. You might wonder whose body it was which appeared at the beginning of this arc. It’s simple. It’s Satoshi. It seems that Mion somehow ran into him after he killed his aunt, and gave him some treatmens he didn’t really like. It seems that Satoshi indeed had every intention to run away, though Mion had other plans.

The best thing about this episode is probably the huge amount of questions it managed to introduce. It seems that there’s so much more than just the disease which is claiming its victims. Poisonous gas roams around, people are killing each other, people are disappearing, and all these events have been influenced by the things that Keiichi did, with the only exception of Tomitake and Takano’s deaths.

For example, what caused Irie’s death? Was he so much in love with Satoko that he couldn’t bear it and committed suicide? Or does it have something to do with his part as a director? And how did Oishi disappear? Are their deaths linked in some way? Ddi they both have something to do with Satoko? Or could Oishi have been the one to set the vulcanic gas free? After all, this all happened two days after the Watanagashi. In the first arc, Keiichi was busy fleeing from Rena and Mion at that time, while in the second arc, Keiichi was having strange phone calls with Shion.

Another thing that remains a mystery is the following: what happened to Satoko’s uncle? There are two possiblilties: Keiichi did kill the guy, though Satoko’s disease imagines that he’s still with her, or Keiichi never killed the guy, and he suddenly went out on his scooter, leaving the tv on. Both of these theories have got their holes.

Also, what happened to Mion and Rena? Weren’t they supposed to go on a treasure hunt? What happened afterwards? What did they find? Or were they the ones who set off the vulcanic gas? And why did Mion kill Satoshi in the first place (I’m assuming now that she’s the only one who can perform the Watanagashi). And who was the one who killed Rika? And why? Why did the murderer put Rika in such an obvious place?

Rika was just too sad in this episode. She’s an incredibly strong character, as she manages to recover fastly after what happened to her in the shower. She also gets shocked when she hears that Irie’s dead, though she behaves normally afterwards. Though when she realizes that Keiichi has been posessed by Oyashiro, she breaks. It seems that when he transferred, she clinged to him, and she turned him into her raison d’être. When such a thing betrayed her, she broke.

Differences with previous arcs:
– The vulcanic gas never escaped in the previous episodes.
– In the first arc, Keiichi wanted to flee. In the second arc, Keiichi wanted to understand. In the third arc, Keiichi wanted to protect.
– Keiichi isn’t going to move.
– It’s the first time Oishi disappears.
– We see the drawbridge for the first time in the third arc.
– Mion and Rena didn’t attempt to cure Keiichi from his disease, like they did in the first arc. In fact, their part in this arc was very small.
– For the first time, Keiichi wields an axe, instead of a bat.
– The second arc is so far the only arc in which Keiichi actually got help. It seemed like Mion would be helping Keiichi during this arc, though she gets out of the picture after the second episode.
– Each arc also focuses around one side-character. In the first arc, this was Oishi. In the second, this was Shion, and the third had Irie.
– In the first arc, Rika stays alive. In the second arc, she commits suicide. In the third arc, she gets killed.

Another thing I’m curious about is Rena. And more importantly her behavior in the first episode of the third arc. At that time, it was clear that she was under the disease. Though it stopped there. The Watanagashi-murders were mentioned, and she went berserk. Though after this episode, these never were mentioned again. It’s like she got cured. Why and how did she get cured?

0 thoughts on “Higurashi no Naku Koro ni – 13 – Even More Questions

  1. Some correction and news:
    I think they will feature only 6arcs of the game since arc 7 shipped when the anime was still in production and arc 8 will probably ship this summer,maybe some OAV.
    Also it’s the last arc wich features K1 as a narrator.
    Next arc will probably be 3episodes since the ones who already played the game said that there wasn’t much to put in.

    Some theory:
    Rika death:I don’t think it’s K1 really,her stomach seemed open maybe she was watanagashi-ed then who killed her and why?As it something to do with the cure/desease.

    Gas:First you said that former arcs didn’t feauttur gas,it isn’t exactly true,after all the anime never went long enought so that the gaz are showed,so I think it’s pretty natural for gaz to surface after each arc.But are they really gazes?It’s just a tv report,I don’t think they are the one who drove people crazy,maybe it’s all just media coverage.In fact I think that there is a deasease epidemy(wich the autority talk about as gaz not to afraid people too much).This would mean that the deasease is man-made wich will explain the “bad” roles of Irie in first arc,but also Takano behavior,why she disappear/run away and the fact that the photographer looks like a military.But what is the trigger for the desease to become so communicative?
    But this theory goes beyond we saw that Satoko become crazy after seing Rika body,so maybe Rika death is the trigger after all she is “the protector of Hinamizawa” arc 2,and maybe K1 isn’t as crazy as he seems in this arc and in fact isn’t infected.

    Takano death:K1 just wished for her to die,but did she really die?Maybe ity’s just K1 paranoia or most probably like in arc 2 she used a false body.

    Uncle death:I don’t think it is such an important question if he really died or not,the important part it that it triggered K1 paranoia.Personnaly I indeed think he died as for his body disappeareance maybe he was found by Mion and the gang during the treasure hunt(wich will explain their attitude the later day at school.Or maybe was it found by Takano since she seems to know about it(note that may be K1 paranoia again).

    The hole:K1 lost side of the hole he initially done for the body,in fact he had to go and dig a new one since the sign change place.But why did the old one disappear.My theory would be that Takano used it to burry photographer/false Takaano body in it then change the sign place.Then she waited for K1 by curiosity or something like that.

    Irie and Oishii death:maybe they didn’t really die,K1 just wished them to be death so he imagined the rest.Another most interessant theory would be that Irie would be Takano accomplice(and linked to the desease) and as her he choose his moment to disappear(and his staff elped him saying he commited suicide) and Oiishi was killed because he was a police officer and was annoying to the “hospital staff” since he investiguated too much.On an other hand Irie could be a good guy(comiing in arc 1 to save K1 maybe) and that he was killed by the one who want to spread the desease but this theory doesn’t sound right since after all he injected something in K1 in arc1 or maybe he didn’t know the desease was in the syringe and killed himself when he found the thruth(ep 13).Or maybe it’s just the deasease who affected Irie…

    A final note when Satoko says that “tthis time K1 was possessed” meaning last time her brother went crazy,wich goes quite well with my shion/satoshi theory from last time.

  2. About the gas: I indeed meant to say that this arc, the gas came pretty fast. All of this happened two days after the Watanagashi. That, or some days have passed since Keiichi fell off the bridge. It can’t be a lot, as the second arc kept going on for a few more days after the Watanagashi. Keiichi would only be able to survive unconcious like that for a few days, though not much.

    About the uncle: I have no idea where he went. The point is that Rena planned to go on a treasure hunt the day after Keiichi killed the guy. Furthermore, if she knew about the murder, why did she want to invite Keiichi to this, and why was she okay with his decision that he didn’t have the time? I think that there’s more to this treasure hunt that we assume right now.

    I think that Irie’s indeed dead. The fact remains that Keiichi did hear about someone who killed himself, even before he started thinking about Irie. Oishi could still be alive, indeed.

  3. Just two episodes? If you combine that with Cos’ statements, that means that the final two arcs will be 5 and 6 episodes each.

  4. No,there’s a possibility that there will be only 24episodes so there may be a 4episode arc than a 5episode arc.Or maybe they’ll put the 7th arc but that’s very unlikely…

  5. > No,there’s a possibility that there will be only 24episodes so there may be a 4episode arc than a 5episode arc.

    Wikipedia reports it will be 26.

    > I think they will feature only 6arcs of the game since arc 7 shipped when the anime was still in production and arc 8 will probably ship this summer,maybe some OAV.

    From what I’ve read, anime productions do not finish up by the time the first episode is shown. I wouldn’t be surprised in fact if there’s a lag time of a few weeks between completion and showtime per episode. Based on some of the animation quality of some episodes I’ve seen (this one included), I’m included to believe so. So I wouldn’t be surprised if the decision came down to try to fit the seventh arc in at the end. Of course, we’re seeing the result of that, which is too good stuff being left out of the anime. I’ve stopped trying to guess what’s been going on because of that. Still, the show has a great appeal for mystery and shock if anything.

  6. I’m hoping for more than just two answer-arcs. Without a doubt, these arcs exist for a reason. I have a feeling that the anime won’t be complete if these arcs weren’t shown.

  7. I never put any meaning behind the TV suddenly switching off, but you’re indeed right. It has to have some kind of meaning. It could indeed be a symbol, thrown in by the creators. That, or the reporters were about to film something they shouldn’t be filming.

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