Summer 2019 Anime Coverage & First Episode Awards!

With BEM released we come to the end of the First Impression period and the real beginning of this Summer Season. With 2 new writers on board I am happy to say that the 1st Impression had gone smoother and much faster than ever before. To make it even more exciting, we have 2 good news for you readers. First, this season Star Crossed Anime will cover a total of 12 shows, which if my memory serves right is the highest since psgels left the site. After many behind-the-scene black-market deals and fist fights and Mexican standoffs to make sure we can cover shows we wanted, this is our Summer 2019 blogging schedule:

Mario: Kanata no AstraCop CraftCarole & Tuesday (carry-over)

Lenlo: Vinland Saga – Dr. STONE – Kimetsu no Yaiba (carry-over)

Wooper: Mix: Meisei Story (carry-over)

Amun: Fire ForceDanMachi 2 

Armitage: O Maidens in Your Savage SeasonGiven

Helghast: Lord El-Melloi II-sei no Jikenbo: “Rail Zeppelin” Grace note

Second, it’s the new bloods’ idea to give First-Episode Awards where the staff vote for their favorites and worst (Credits entirely to Amun for the concept, layout and those lovely icons) so you readers can have a better grasp on the seasonal reception so far. Let us know if you like the idea and which category you would like us to include in the future. I’ll stop writing now and just let the awards speak for themselves.

Best First Episode
(The Death Note Award)


Spent All Efforts on the First Episode
(The Kyoukai No Kanata Award)


Best Animation
(The Samurai Champloo Award)


Season Sleeper
(The Gargantia Award)


Worst First Episode
(The Bleach Award)


Exceeded Expectations
(The Hyouka Award)


Most Disappointing First Episode
(The Berserk Award)


Best Sequel/Continuation
(The Natsume Book of Friends Award)


5 thoughts on “Summer 2019 Anime Coverage & First Episode Awards!

  1. I LOVE this new awards idea, good call newbies! Can I suggest a “boring premise, bizarre execution” award? Or maybe a “deviates furthest from premise” award?

    Perhaps icons in a rainbow of colors, also? Should be an easy change in photoshop, I volunteer my photoshop skillz if y’all ever need them.

    1. “Deviates further from premise” would be hard to call after just one episode, since most series spend their first episodes outlining that very premise. I’d love a ninth award, though, if only to make the grid 3×3.

      I like the rainbow idea! Hopefully next season’s awards have more categories and colors. 🙂

      1. What about something like “Most Unique Style”? Point out the art in episodes/series that for whatever reason stand out among the rest. I’m thinking shows like Flip Flappers, FLCL, Kemonozume, Houseki no Kuni, Ping Pong, or Kaiba.

        They don’t necessarily have to have good animation. I wouldn’t consider Kaiba to have good animation even though I enjoyed it, but rather point out that it has an art style that doesn’t resemble the rest of the season.

  2. Interesting.
    Maybe “most generic” could be a category too. We have enough generics every season, would be interesting to see which would be the biggest run-of-the-mill every time.

    Others could be “best characters/interacton”, “most unique” or maybe “biggest shift” (from original to generic, calm to dramatic or vice versa within the first episode). I agree with the “winners” above btw. Especially Stone was a letdown for me, it sounded like some smart and unique genre breaker when I read the posts people made about it.

    1. God most generic would be a difficult call. How many Isekai can we award the same award to?

      As for Stone, people need to realize, its a Shounen first and foremost. It may be a different Shounen, but it will always stick to those roots.

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